Chapter 13: Recovery and a New mission

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After the dance party Michael was put into the hospital to heal his injures and wounds that he got from Cinder. Currently he was resting in his hospital bed and Ruby was with him to check up on his to make sure he was alright.

"So how you holding up?" Ruby asked. "Your wound ok?"

"Yeah, I've been through worse though." Michael replied.

"How much worse?" Ruby asked as she didn't know what could have been worst then dying to a stab wound. 

"Oh, being shot in both the leg and stomach from enemy fire." Michael  replied. "And being blown back from a artillery shell."

"Oh...I see." Ruby replied and looked out the window. "Well the nurse says your wound will be healed in 3 weeks." 

"You kidding me?" Michael joked. "I'll be fine in just 1 week." Ruby was taken back at what Michael just said.

"uuummmmm...I don't think that's a good idea." Ruby insisted. "Your wounds need to heal."

"I know that but I want to get out of this bed and kick that intruders butt from last night." Michael complained. 

"I'm afraid that wont be for a while Private." said a familiar voice. Ruby and Michael  then looked to where the voice was and saw the rest of team MARN entering the room. 

"But, lieutenant I want pay back!" Michael argued. 

"And you'll get it, but that wound of yours needs to heal and 1 week isn't going to cut it." Nick ordered. "Now until that wound heals Marine, your gonna stay here as much as you hate it."

"Yeah, also I spoke with the nurse and its gonna be a while before your ready." Alex added

Michael then slumped against his bed and laid down. "Fine sir." he muttered.

"But, you and miss Rose here put up one heck of a fight with that intruder, fine job Marine." Ryan complemented as he patted Michaels shoulder. 

Just then Ozpin, Glynda, and ironwood walked in. "Sir." The 4 Marines then saluted Ozpin as he entered.

"You know you 4 don't have to salute me." Ozpin said as the 4 Marines stopped saluting. 

"Sorry professor, just a force habit." Ryan reasoned. "We think its better that way."

"Could, we get a moment with Michael and Ruby please?" Ozpin asked.

"Of course." Nick replied. "Come on guys." Nick then motioned for Ryan and Alex to follow him out. 

"Look if you 3 are here to scold us, you might as well save your breath." Michael huffed as he looked away.

"Ruby, Michael what you 2 did is exactly what being huntsmen and huntress's is about." Ironwood started. "you 2 recognized a threat, you took action and did the very best you could."

"Thank you sir." Ruby replied.

"I could have done better." replied Michael as he crossed his arms. "If I didn't get stabbed."

"You did what you could Michael." Ozpin said. "And you should be happy that your alive."

"Yeah, yeah sure whatever." Michael replied. He was still mad that he was going to be stuck in the hospital for 3 weeks.

"Well I have to ask about the intruder." Glynda said. "What did she look like?" Both Michael and Ruby looked at each other and Glynda's question. 

"Well, she was wearing a mask so her face was pretty much covered." Michael stated. "But her eyes were a amber brown color and her clothes changed color whenever she switched weapons."

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