Chapter 5

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I stood up from the floor and put on a cold face heading to the class. I sat on the last bench. No one has yet entered the class, nor y/n. Where is she?

That’s what I thought, I don’t know why I just want her in front of me suddenly.

I was deep in thought when the students started entering and ignoring me they sat on the front benches. But did that concern me? No. I just care for the only person.

Did I say care? No no I just need someone to accompany I just love her company that’s it! It’s not like I care.

I huffed and soon y/n entered panting heavily. She glanced directly at me and smiled, my heart skipped a beat. She approached and sat beside me.

She shouldn’t sit with me when she knows about Vante. What does this girl think about?

Only she knows..

“Okay class attention!!”
I looked up, I didn’t let myself disassociate into Taehyung because you know why.. I don’t know actually.

“So firstly the students that are going to get a place in the university dorms give out your names! Each single room would have 2 students”

The professor yelled and took out a paper.

Few students started giving the names.

After many of them y/n yelled her name.
“Han Y/n!”
I also wanted to give in my name, so I yelled after.

“Kim Taehyung!”
It was silent for a while as the professor nod a bit and wrote down my name.

There was a sense of tension in the classroom, as the students started talking to each other.

Y/n looked confused.

“Uh… I guess we must let a room have 3 students okay?”
I sighed and looked down. I knew that this would happen. No one wants to share a room with—

My thoughts interrupted when y/n yelled.

“Why sir?”
The professor seemed speechless yet he glanced at me for a moment and looked away instantly.

“Y/n… that’s because of him..”
A girl whispered enough for me to hear but I just shrugged it off that’s not the first time I’m hearing this.

Y/n: “what? No worry I’m ready to share a room with him, professor!!”
The room was filled with gasps, and I looked up at her in shock. Why would she stay with me?

Prof. : “Y/n.. you don’t need—”

Y/n: “I would love to!! And I’m okay with it! No need to adjust!”
I felt my heart flutter as I tried hard to hold back my smile.

“Okay then! We’ll give you the details later” the professor murmured before going out.

The class was dismissed in the matter of seconds.

I glanced at Y/n with my furrowing  eyebrows but in reality I was happy, my heart swelled, and was beating faster than usual. She looked at me and smiled widely.

Y/n: “its okay no need to thank me okay?”

V: “who is thanking you?”
I asked with the same expression.

She shrugged.

Y/n: “I can see it in your eyes how thankful you’re to me!”
she giggled.

“Do my eyes carry words? So that you could read?”
I asked.

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