Chapter 64

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Here comes the new change again 🌚


I was typing on the computer when my attention was caught by the loud clapping.

There was Jina who was smiling.
"Hey guys. Today we are going to have a chief guest and also the person who had a major role in building this empire, Mr. Chang. So be presentative enough, since he's going to visit and monitor you all"

My eyes lit up. I was excited to meet whoever the person was since I could have many things to learn from them too.

My phone rung up and knowing it was my husband, I picked it up.

"As I knew, hubby. How are you doing?"

"W-wait? How would you know it's me?"

"It's because I love you."
I giggled lightly when he cleared his throat.

"Did you have you lunch?"

"Um yeah, I did. Did you?"

"I'll have it now."
He muttered timidly.

"Jack. You've to eat okay. You can't just starve yourself. Anyways listen to me!"

He hummed softly.

"Today, it's a very important day for me. So wish me good luck that your angel can impress today's chief guest."

Jack chuckled.
"I always wish you good luck. I hope you impress them with your talent and not your beauty."

I frowned.
"Come on. What the heck? Even if they get impressed by my beauty I won't blame them."

I smiled when I heard his soft laughter.
"I'll go and have lunch now. Let me know the after details, okay?"
He said.

"Okay Chief!"

"Hmm.. don't overwork angel, okay?"

"Yes, eat well. Bye"

I hung up when he muttered a soft bye. I couldn't hold my smile in and continued with my work.

Time Skip

Jina: "Guys! He's here. Don't forget to greet him properly okay?"
We all nodded our heads. I was standing anxiously and equally excited, when the glass door was pushed open.

A few men, whom I assume were his bodyguard came as a man all fit and fine came walking with his hands shoved in pocket.

We all bowed to him and so did he. He walked forward until his gaze fell upon me. I startled and bowed at him muttering a hello. The man had his blank gaze on me.

I gulped as I hung my head low. After staring for a while, he walked off towards the office with his tocking boots.

"Why was he looking at you like that, eh?"
One of my employee asked me as I shook my head confusedly.

When he went in, we all settled down, continuing whatever work we had until Jina came up to me.

I looked up at her and smiled.

Jina: "Um actually y/n.. he wants to meet you"
I frowned.


Jina: "Mr. Chang"
I furrowed my eyebrows until my eyes widened upon realising about whom she was talking about.

"Y-you mean.. the one who just came? Like.. like the one whom we greeted?"
Jina gave a nod.

Y/n: "B-but why so suddenly?"

Jina: "I'm pretty sure that you were one of the major contributors for this company these few days and so he wants to meet you."

Y/n: "Omg! I'm very excited and anxious. Is he going to ask me questions?"

His Multiple Personality DisorderWhere stories live. Discover now