Chapter 8

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"Not so" Long chapter ahead💀

“I don’t know why is she staying with him? He’s a creep!”
A girl mumbled giving glances to the couple who were sharing and having their food, gossiping.

“Don’t look at them! She is trapped now! Let’s see what happens!”
The other girl responded as they both silently laughed at each other.

“Have this Tae, it’s tasty!”
Y/n stated pointing at a veggie.

He slightly smiled and nodded. He took a bite.

“Um tasty-"

“I knew it!! I brought this from a farm, you know!”
Y/n burst out, excitedly.

Taehyung thought for a while and responded.

“When did you went to a farm?”
He asked confusedly. Y/n sighed.

“I got this meal from canteen…”
She mumbled and pouted sadly, feeling defeated.

Taehyung: “Hey.. what’s wrong? D-did I said something?”
Y/n shook her head.

“I was just trying to gain some words of appreciation so I lied but see you didn’t even praised me!”
She pouted sadly again.

Taehyung’s heart beat like crazy. He suppressed his blush.

Taehyung: “Its really tasty y/n… Y-you’ve a great choice of food…”

Y/n lit up, whereas Taehyung was blushing madly like if he would faint. He just wanted to dig himself in the ground because he was red as a tomato.

Y/n: “Thank you so much!”
She beamed and started eating. Taehyung could barely eat after that. His heart didn’t help at all.


Lisa: “Hey y/n!”
Lisa approached them. Taehyung stood behind y/n silently. Y/n waved back.

“Hi Taehyung!”
Lisa happily waved at him. Taehyung cluelessly looked at her.

Y/n: “say hi back, Tae!”
She whispered only for him to hear.

He hesitantly waved back at her.

Lisa: “so what’s your next lesson?”

Y/n: “mm I guess it’s literature”

Lisa: “oh good, what about you Taehyung?”

Y/n: “um he’s with me!”

Lisa: “why is he so silent today? He isn’t cheerful or talkative like that day!”
Lisa asked and giggled.

Y/n: “I-I don’t know, maybe tired?”
Y/n nervously laughed.

“I guess we are getting late, let’s go Tae, bye Lisa!”
Before she could respond, Y/n hurriedly dragged Taehyung and left her alone confused. Lisa shrugged and went towards her class.

Taehyung: “what was she talking about?”
Taehyung asked with a confused expression planted on his face.

Y/n: “aish! Nothing, she met Kimchi, that’s it!”

Taehyung POV

That means she didn’t even told her friends about me? And my disorder? I felt extremely happy and relieved for that reason.

Y/n: “You are not mad at me, right?  I just wanted you to get some concepts clear s-so… b-but trust me I didn’t tell her about—”

Taehyung: “I trust you..”
I spoke, she paused and looked at me in pure shock.

His Multiple Personality DisorderWhere stories live. Discover now