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All was quiet in the bunker, the only sound coming from the air filters as they buzzed in harmony keeping them all safe.

Outside however, there was a disturbance on the surface. A spaceship had landed five minutes ago. Someone was yet to come out. There was a shift in the air, alerting Rose who was still inside, that something was going on.

She sat bolt upright out of a dead sleep not yet knowing why. A deep gulping breath for air hit her. Her hair standing on edge. Feeling jittery she cautiously got out of her warm nest.

Rose paced around the room, trying to figure out what it was that woke her. She knew that she hadn't left anything on that could harm them.

"Why am I awake?" Rose pondered. She couldn't shake the feeling that things were about to change again.

Sitting by Lily's bed, she looked at her with love filling up all her eyes and body. Lily was sprawled out on the bed, with her chest and head propped up to help her breath; Rose doubted that Lily would even know that she was sitting next to her on the bed.

She felt more at ease sitting there, having Lily in her eyesight. She had no intent on leaving her for the rest of the night.

Rose shut her eyes letting the darkness of sleep overcome her once again.

It had only been a couple of hours that Rose had been asleep. Rubbing her sore eyes, Rose's mouth opened as wide as a viper's, hurting her jaw in the process. Wincing, she stopped rubbing her eyes to place one of her hands over the left side of her jaw to take some of the aching away.

She turned her focus onto Lily, who didn't appear to have moved since Rose had come into the room; Lily's chest moving up and down in a simple rhythm alerted Rose to her still breathing.

Having had enough with staring, Rose stirred in her position, standing up and moving towards the door.

She yawned yet again before climbing up the bunker ladders to do her usual checks on the mulch pile.

But she soon realised it was far from her routine.

Right in front of her was silver. Sparkling in the new light. No scratch marks. Almost as if it had just been made.

Its surface was big, overbearing. But somehow standing there. The air around it wasn't disturbed, if she wasn't so sure about herself, she would've thought it was always there.

Rose blinked at the spaceship, willing it to not be there. She couldn't believe that something was on the planet with them after all this time.

A way back to earth.

Somewhere that's populated unlike Purple Sunrise.

Rose was frozen in place. Hands by her side. Head subconsciously shaking as her chest rose unevenly.

It was too sudden.

Turning around, Rose fled back into the bunker, checking to make sure she locked the door behind her. They couldn't be certain of what left that spacecraft, and she was not going to take a chance they were harmless with the condition that Lily was in.

In blind panic, Rose ran down the tunnel, bumping into the wall every so often. But not yet feeling its affects. Her adrenaline taking over all her senses. She didn't think as she burst into John's room.


The door hit the wall. John jumped up in a protective stance. Rose didn't stop, she ran straight into John knocking him down back onto the bed, falling straight on top of his frame.

"There's- Theres something you need to see." She panted out finally.

"You're gonna need to get off me for me to do that." He pointed out grinning.

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