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Rose sat for a while in her own head. She hadn't realised she'd been nodding the whole time until she heard John sniggering. She turned giving him a death stare before going back to her previous position without the head nodding.

"Right, well that's all the questions I have for you for now. If you would like to go back out, we still have our other planet's guest to talk to. I just want to talk to both of you separately before anything else is done. I hope you understand." Rose told Vin, taking the stance of a open booked leader.

"That's fine." Was all Vin responded before heading back out.

Rose waited for him to leave into the tunnel before facing John to hear his thoughts on what they had heard.

"Well, he did seem to be being open about what he wasn't before, but that could just be because he got caught out. Plus, I have told you since he arrived how... Weird it was, with how helpful he's tried to be." John announced, liking that Rose was valuing his opinion.

He didn't think she would include him in the decision-making process on both the new people due to how many hours they had spent arguing over Vin's intentions. It was nice to know that she was putting all personal issues aside and not bring them in to this. It made him look at her in an even better light; thinking it was impossible for Rose to get any better than she was now.

"Mmm.. Although, he didn't seem to know much about what the criminal planet wanted. That would make a lot of sense if no one had visited there since they escaped." She added in.

"We better go finish this. See what Knox has to say before we make a decision on how trustworthy each one is." She uttered in a sigh.

Rose got up stretching her aching muscles from sitting for half an hour listening to what Vin had to say. She didn't mind having sat for so long as he was informing them of his origin story, elated that they were finally getting the full truth of what had happened. Rose had known deep down that something similar must have happened with how Vin had been telling her his planet was. Especially as when he told stories of his life, there never seemed to be anyone that broke the laws severely around. It made more sense to her now.

She stayed behind clearing up the cups left behind from Vin's point of view on the story while John got Knox for his interrogation. By the time Rose entered back into the sitting area, John already had Knox sat down on the seat. Rose witnessed him smirking when he didn't think John was looking in his direction; and putting back on a concerned look when he turned his eyes back from watching Rose.

"Very suspicious." She mumbled to herself before she reached them.

"So, what happened for there to be two planets?" Rose began thinking it best to ask a couple of the same questions to see how their stories would differ.

Knox had retold roughly the same story, that all the good people left the planet leaving the bad people behind. Rose wasn't shocked to hear it being the same, after all they couldn't properly change their history too much without it becoming obvious very fast.

"What does the criminal planet want with us?" She asked getting straight to the only question she cared for. Rose saw it as the only one that would give them the answer of who was lying.

"I can imagine it's because you would be fresh meat. Something new to play with rather than the people who knows what goes on properly on the planet. People who don't know how to survive on it, or which parts are safe. They would want to torture you most likely, before eventually, killing you." Knox didn't hesitate in his actions; he had held on a serious face all throughout the answer. But Rose saw a hint of glee in his eyes as he talked about why they were wanted.

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