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Rose gave him a funny look. John was staring off into space, she knew that he hadn't meant to say it out loud.

Deciding to let him know, Rose uttered: "You do know you're saying your thoughts out loud."

John looked slightly embarrassed as he came out of his thinking mode. Rubbing the top of his head he didn't know what to say back to that. The best thing to do is to just move on from it, he thought.

"What exactly did it look like?" John pondered to Rose.

If they knew what it roughly was, they would just know how much danger they were in for, if any.

Rose sat there, still as an inanimate object. Her gaze being drawn to the food that had been scattered all over the room.

"It was a kind of... Dark grey, or brown colour." Rose was squinting as she recalled looking back through the hatch door into the abyss.

"It looked rough, big. But you couldn't see where it ended or started. I mean, the door to the hut was only partially open, so you couldn't see too much outside due to that either." Rose felt extremely confused as remembered the details. "But." the look of confusion was starting to make her lose the use of her words.

"That doesn't make any sense." John interrupted the rest of Rose's sentence:"-It sounds like earth, how it would be looking now." A minute went by before they locked gazes.

" We need to come up with a plan of how to get outside, without killing ourselves so we can find out. We don't need anything else coming along to give us less chance of survival." Rose spoke, as always, being the force of reason.

"We can always adapt the air filters so that they can be used in some sort of suit to give you air for while your outside. It'll be a makeshift astronaut suit." A tiny short filled scream could be heard echoing back to them.

Rose worked out it was her doing the screaming, she had got a fright from hearing Lilly speak. She thought that Lily wouldn't be speaking to them for a while.

After the lying and deceiving they had been doing for months to her, with her past it must have been rough on Lily to find out that the people she had started to trust, the only ones that even got close to complete trust in the past eight years, had betrayed her. Rose didn't want to dwell on that for now, they had a lot of other issues going on, they were all important, but survival was a need.

Lily had perfected the art of silent walking, to be able to sneak up on them like that. Rose was intrigued to know how long Lily had been standing here, let alone how she had known this information.

"Lily! You came back, I was so worried that you wouldn't forgive us." Rose felt the relief, feeling her shoulders drop the weight that she hadn't realized they had from Lily being back in the same room as her.

Rose attempted to put her arm around Lily, only to have it shrugged off.

"Well, it's not like I could go far, it's not like we're on earth anymore is it?" Lily sneered at the two of them.

The sarcasm eating up any positivity left in the room, she tried making the dig hurt as much as she could. She knew that she wouldn't be able to keep it up, but she just wanted to have hurt them so that they would know how much she had been hurt by their lies.

She had spent years convincing herself that the next people she let in, would be the people who would never lie to her. Whether it be for her own good or not.

Lily didn't know properly how to react to finding out they weren't on earth. It was a massive deal that would take time to process. Things seemed different to her now; Now she didn't know if they were going to be okay.

To be safe.

"Look, what you did to me. The lying. It destroyed any trust I had for either of you. At least before I came in here, the people lied from the straight and didn't let the charade last for months to rub it in. To make the pain deeper. I really thought that you two would be completely different from that. I'm sorry." She explained to them; Lily may have been mad, but she wasn't one to keep things just because others were.

Rose was shaking her head ferociously.

"No. Of course, we won't." She took a breath.

"And you shouldn't be the one apologizing. We are. We know it will take time to get your trust back, but we are more than willing to put all our energy into making you be able to. To be better than what we are, people you can truly depend on. People you deserve to be around." Rose responded back after taking in what Lily had told them.

It was the first time she had properly opened up to them about her life before, Rose wanted her to realize she how bad she was already feeling since they had to lie.  

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