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Chapter 2.

Rose picked herself off the floor with determination set into her green eyes, dusting her clothes off lightly she began using the flashlight to look around for the light switch as a distraction to the hard-unrelenting truth that had revealed itself. The room itself was massive, with booths in every corner of the room, some tables chairs, and low melt into the cushion's sofas were scattered around the rest of the room.

Using her common-sense Rose started to search for the switch around the other doors that could be seen present within each wall, set there as if they had been there since time had begun. Finally finding the switch she pressed it, looking in the direction that she had abandoned the guy with triumph set upon her teardrop face. There he stood, his chest rising and falling sadly as a look of defeat was spread thickly over his features. Rose at that moment knew it would have to be her that took charge for the minute.

"Looks like the lights do work." She weakly tried her hand at the joke. The guy turned his head slowly to stare at her with a heart fallen face.

Rose decided to try again, them moping around right now was not going to help them.

"So, we never properly introduced ourselves earlier. I'm Rose." She stuck out her small piano-like fingers to shake his hand, keeping it there hoping that he would return the small talk and tell her his name. After all, she couldn't just keep on calling him the stranger, or that guy.

"I'm John." The small sentence seemed like it was the only thing she would be able to get him to say for a while, as he turned his back to her beginning to walk away and sit on one of the sofas. He had ignored her outstretched hand shook by the thoughts of his family not living. The thought of how only those two had managed to let instinct kick in to get to safety.

Rose wondered what was behind the closed doors, unsure if she should be wandering around almost as if they were in someone else's home, invading it. With a shiver down her spine, she sighed deeply not knowing what to do next. So, she started to pace. Clicking met the quietness with each step she took up and down the room, it continued for another five minutes before Rose got bored, finally stopping in the middle of the floor finding herself staring at the three closed rooms.

"Do you think it would be wrong to go exploring to find out what mysteries and stories this place holds?" She turned towards John with a questionable look upon her face. A full minute went by; Rose was giving up hope that he would inject his thoughts into her question. Then came.

"No. I mean, the bunker was built for anyone who found themselves down here. So theoretically it wouldn't be wrong to go into any rooms. It's almost expected as who would spend all their time in one room?" The rhetorical question she had to agree with, it would be highly unlikely that any sane person would spend ten hours within the same room.

With determination Rose shut her eyes plunging herself into darkness again, putting her hand out to spin while pointing and twirled herself around the room until she eventually started feeling lightheaded, coming to a natural stop. She opened her eyes to see which door her hand was pointing her in the direction of.

Her hand was pointing at the far side of the wall to where they came in; this door looked to have more of a wooden effect carved into the metal. Someone who had been down here had clearly tried making the place seem more homely for others that might've ended up here.

Rose started to slowly walk towards the door. Doubting herself that it was a promising idea to go exploring the place. A couple of paces in front of where John was sitting, she heard him maneuver, turning her head slightly in his direction so that she would be able to see what he was doing. Rose noticed that he was now stood upright behind where she had stopped in her tracks. John gave Rose an off-handed smile before gesturing his head towards the door as if to say that he would follow.

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