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Rose woke up an hour later hearing the door from the bedrooms being open; a tiny intake of breath could be heard.

She sat up on the sofa rubbing her eyes looking at the person that had just walked through the door. With a faint smile on her face, she watched John take in all her hard work. Adoration spread thickly over his features in awe of the effort she must have put in to be able to pull this off.

The next thought through John's head was: How did she know it was my birthday?

 The quizzical look was the only clue he could give to Rose to indicate what he was feeling. The stunning shock not having worn off yet for him to be able to communicate any other ways. Rose laughed lightly.

"I found out that it was your birthday today, and I wanted to make it special." Rose replied after a pause to the expression on his face. John couldn't believe that anyone would go to all that trouble for him.

He knew at that moment when gazing upon Rose's tired drooping face that she had been up all night doing this.

"You shouldn't have." John's voice softened as did his eyes when he continued to speak.

"Thank you." Emotions started to well up in him as he glanced around once more in amazement.

"Let's start breakfast. I'm sure Lily will be up soon, then she can join us too." Rose demanded as she used her last bits of strength to get up off the sofa heading towards the table, she had set breakfast upon.

John's face lit up as he stared at the array of food, noticing the orange juice; he knew they had no of that left. Rose must have hand-squeezed it herself. He just didn't know why anyone would go through all this trouble for him. He wasn't anything special.

Yet, he was starting to feel special.

"You squeezed the orange juice." John let the statement hang there.

Rose shrugged her shoulders downplaying all the effort she had made to make him feel appreciated. She just hoped that this was working with cheering him up.

Digging into the food Rose felt starving after all the work. She picked up the croissant spreading jam in the middle. After taking the first bite, Rose was happy, she made a good cook after all.

She hadn't cooked or baked since coming down here properly, John had always been the one cooking with Lily. But Rose was proud of herself for managing this, to make it edible and taste nice. 'A win for me' she thought.

As they were about to take a second bite, they felt the unstable ground beneath them begin to shake. They both looked up with wide eyes mid-bite unsure of what was going on.

The shaking getting worse.

The plates dancing around the table, getting closer and closer to the dangerous edge. John pounced grabbing the juice jug before it hit the ground spraying some of it onto the floor.

Lily awoke with the place shaking; The bed nearly taking off with how bad it seemed. She felt the panic deep in her soul. Exiting her body in a wave of flight instinct.

She fled from the bed as quick as a bat, doing her best to run out of the room without falling over. It almost felt like they were on a boat, with a rough sea swinging them all over the place; not being able to quiet go in the direction you were meaning to.

"ROSE! ROOOSSSEE!!" Came the shouts from Lily as she ran into the room in a panic.

Tears flooding down her small face drenching her cheeks.

"Do you think it's the start of the new world and that what's happening?" Lily questioned while running straight into Rose's open arms cuddling into her attempting to hide away.

"Maybe we should go open the hatch, so others can come in." Lily ripped herself away from Rose, running towards the door that led into the tunnel to get to the hut at the top.

"NOOO!" Rose shouted reaching for Lily.

Missing her arm by a fraction, Rose ran after her. She mustn't open the door It might not be safe out there. They had no clue what was going on, but Rose was sure it wasn't good.

"Lily don't open the door!" Rose shouted getting to Lily and pulling her back away from the door a few seconds later.

John was glad he always kept that door locked. Lily had no chance of being able to get out into the tunnel that way. He strode forwards pulling the two towards the table.

"Common, we need to sit underneath the table, we will be a lot safer under there than out here in the open." Rose nodding crawled under the table after Lily and John.

The shaking got worse.

Their whole beings moving.

Almost vibrating.

None of the food had survived so far, glass scattered all over the floor. Jumping up and down in a rhythmic motion. All the dishes Rose had spent hours working on, collided together breaking it into even smaller pieces each time. It continued for hours, Rose passing out from both fright and exhaustion. John held onto her sleeping body before it could tumble around the floor on the sharp shards of scattered glass.

Lily was sat whimpering not knowing what to do. There was no way to make any of this better. She pulled Rose's limp arm around her shoulders; lying down to snuggle in close as if that could make it all disappear.

"It doesn't seem like it's ever going to end." Lily whimpered.

No more words managed to get out of her crying mouth.

John shushed her, rocking them both back and forth in a more calming manner than the erratic shaking the bunker was currently doing.

More hours skipped by, with both Lily and John praying it would be over soon. Rose still had to wake, but that didn't seem as if it would happen any time soon either.

Slowly, pieces of the bunker's roof began bending in, eliciting a loud obnoxious 'SCRRREEEEEEAAACH!!' as it went.

It was another hour until it all suddenly stopped.

It's me again!

The excitement is beginning yet again... Ending on a cliff hanger no less! 

It's a shame that John's birthday got cut short by the universe and whatever it was they hit. 

How are you feeling about this chapter? Give a comment below to tell me what you're thinking. :) 

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