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John studied the guy that Rose pointed to. Not liking how close he was standing to her. He had an unusual aura surrounding him. One of relaxation and devoid of any troubles.

John didn't know what to make of this; The more he studied the guy that Rose named Vin, Vin didn't squirm under the pressure, or move much.

Pulling himself back up into a normal standing position, John placed his hands in his pockets and nodded his head as a hello to him.

Rose was getting frustrated with how John was acting.

"Vin, this is John. John, Vin said that he can help Lily. Get her back to health." She informed him with a tight voice.

It was her way of telling him that he didn't have a choice.

Rose still didn't move from being in front of Vin, she waited for John to turn before starting to walk into their sitting room. Vin following behind. Rose kept turning her head to ensure that Vin kept up. She didn't want him suddenly changing his mind and running back to his ship.

"This is our place." Rose span around with her hands palms up proud to show him all that they and the people before them had accomplished down in the bunker.

"It looks nice" He said.

"First, I want you both to tell me the condition she' in so I know before we go in. If she's too bad, I don't want ot disturb her" Vin spoke, informing them on his decision.

Rose was happy with this, she hoped that they would be able to figure it out without Vin going into see Lily, she had no idea how much leeway to give him.

To trust the stranger.

"Sounds like the best idea" Rose had already sat down onto her regular sofa, with her legs folded peacefully under her.

She pulled her sleeves over her hands, playing with them with the parts of her fingers that were left exposed.

"She sleeps a lot now, there is not many hours for her to be awake for, but that doesn't matter too much. When Lily's awake, she cannot move properly. Her chest feeling heavy, as if there's something in it. Warmth seems to ease that a bit though. - thank you."

Rose turned to thank John for handing her the glass, she took a sip before continuing.

"Lily struggles to eat; it restricts her breathing that much more."

Vin had been nodding his head while listening to what Rose was saying. He hadn't sat down himself. Instead, he had his arms crossed and legs slightly parted. He looked comfortable.

"What happened the day that she got ill?" He questioned with his eyebrows drawn.

Rose glanced at John, who did the same. They were confused of why he wanted to know that. Rose thought in that moment it might have been her fault that Lily got ill. She looked at her hands ashamed that it could be.

"It was pretty much a typical day for me. Bar Lily spent the day with me rather than John. We checked on the mulch pile, took a sample of the ground and played a bit outside with Lily before coming back to eat what John had cooked." Rose finished her story.

She was wondering what the day's events would have to do with Lily getting this ill; If it was to do with that, then Rose knew she would have been in Lily's position as well.

"You, picked up some of the ground? Can I see the piece you did?" He asked sounding extremely interested in the sample.

His inquisition peaked Rose's. She wasn't about to say no, she had been investigating the piece herself.

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