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Hi all!! I thought I would post twice today! 

I hope you are all having a fab day, evening, or morning wherever you are. :) 

I have decided now to upload every wednesday and Saturday of this story, so it will be more consistent from now on. 

Enjoy the chapter! 

Chapter 6.

Lily's face lit up slightly. "Yes!" She clapped her hands at the same time from happiness.

"I loooove to play hide a seek, I'm really good at that game."

"Well why don't we play a game later?" Lily nodded her head viciously with enthusiasm, unable to take the satisfied look from her face. Rose thought she would try pushing slightly harder.

"Do your parents or brother or sister ever play it with you?" She asked nonchalantly.

With the mention of family Lily became withdrawn, looking down with sadness. Giving Rose the last clue that she needed.

"They left you, didn't they?" Lily she stayed silent still not looking up twisting her fingers around concentrating all her energy on engrossing herself in that movement. It didn't seem as if Lily would be answering that any time soon.

However, how Lily was acting Rose knew deep down she was right. She was all alone, that must have been why she had come down here. Been so frightened when her and John discovered Lily was there. Rose felt more love welling up inside her for the tiny person sitting next to her. Rose placed one of her hands on-top of both Lily' stopping her from moving them further.

"It's okay. John and I will look after you." At this Lily looked up with supressed hope.

Lily liked Rose and thought both Rose and John were good, kind-hearted people even though she hadn't known them for long; but Rose still had one thought plaquing her.

"Lily, while you were down here, did you come across a letter?"

Lily felt frightened beginning to shake slightly again, fearful that she would be in trouble for taking it. She hadn't read it; Rose and John had found her before she had chance. Plus, the writing style was hard to try and read. A different font to what she was used to reading.

"You won't be in trouble if you did, I just have the other half of the letter that said there was a part two, so I got curious and wanted to read it." Lily heard Rose utter from what sounded far away. With those words Lily relaxed again, nodding her head she grabbed Rose's hand pulling her in the direction that she left the letter.

They ended outside the door of the greenhouse.

"It's in there" Lily pointed at the locked door.

She noticed that there was now a lock on it, confused of why this had happened. She had her suspicions it was just so that she couldn't try and hide again. When Lily had been in the greenhouse, she had noticed some very sharp objects.

She's most likely afraid that I would end up hurting myself by accident.

"Under the counter I was hiding in." Lily turned to look Rose in the eyes trying to gouge her reaction to this news.

Rose gave an encouraging look.

"Thank you, Lily, why don't you go find John and see what he's up to and I'll go get it. He will even probably play hide and seek for a while with you."

She waited for Lilys figure to skip out of sight before shoving the keys that were in her pocket into the lock quickly entering the room shutting and locking it behind her.

Rose headed with purpose towards the counter looking her in the eye. Bending down she stuck her hand underneath rummaging around to feel for a paper like substance.

"There it is!" She shouted feeling the edge of the paper; she ripped it out of the place, placing it on the counter.

Rose took a deep breath carefully opening it as if it could fade away at any moment. The writing in this letter was slightly faded, but still manageable to read. In italics and all joined.

As promised, this is part two of the letter.
This is not a letter than any child should be reading, so please be careful with it. Do not let it fall it the wrong hands. This letter was a slight lie; it is not here to inform you of the mistakes that we have made previously to help aid you in the reset of the planet. But instead, a warning. Let's start from the beginning.

The story begins before anyone of my generation entered the bunker. Our scientists had managed to save some important documents from the four other times of the earths cycle. Keeping extensive documents in bunkers of their time, each time one scientist died, one of the other ones left before the new generation would continue writing. Each generation after that would keep a detail of what cycle came after the last. Until the end cycle warning that the earth would reset itself. They were working night and day to come up with an answer of the exact date that the cycle would begin anew with this information, they formed algorithms to form these theories as well as others. They already knew, due to the records, as your generation will now know too; the key aspects of the earths cycle such as, the earth being as hot as molten lava, the dinosaurs appearing, the ice age, the melting of the earth etc. They knew that when the earth was being ruled by technology, with the ozone layers nearly finished diminishing and the ice was re-melting. It would be the end of the last part of the cycle; However, after a couple of hundred years of research of their own, our scientists had managed to come up with an approximate date. We had all then been led down into bunkers a couple of days before for our safety and survival. The first, and sadly last, generation for this to have been done. We will be the first, and last, lot where we all survive the earth's core erupting.

With this, the scientists had known that if they had been correct on the exact date it was going to happen. Then their other predictions were going to be correct. When the date came, we all waited with anxiety coursing through us. Unfortunately for you, the people down in this bunker, reading this letter; they were correct. The cycle began again on the exact date.

This means devastating news for you. One of their other predictions was about the next two generations that would become separated from the earth. Which leads me up to why this particular letter has been written. I'm sorry to inform you, but as soon as you stepped foot into this bunker; you were doomed. This bunker stands on the bit of earth that is meant to come apart from the rest of the earth, no one knows if you will survive or what happens to you. All the research that the scientists had done had ended up being destroyed due to the ice age, So this information by the time that society knows that the cycle exists again, will be folk lore, a legend of kind that will not be believed by anyone. something our generation are now greatly regretful for as this information could have helped others in the future.

I am writing this just after the earths cycle of the ice age hoping this letter will be preserved now enough for it to reach whoever it is needed to. We had been told that we were to forget about the predictions, claiming that they were wrong, as the information about it was lost and was ashamed that they had managed to lose it, they didn't want anyone in the future to know that it had happened. They wanted to erase it from history. But I couldn't. I couldn't go on when I knew that this would affect the lives of everyone in this bunker. Others have now thought of it as a dream if not completely forgotten all of this. My memory of it is now starting to fade into a long-lost myth. I needed to write this down before I too, completely forgot. Everyone in this bunker, now reading this letter, needs to know so that you all have more of a chance to survive.

We have left as much as we could down here hoping that you will survive and be able to one day contact us to tell the new generation on the new earth what happens if you manage to survive.

I wish you all the luck.  

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