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Rose turned, grabbing a piece of wood from the broken hut, marching towards the ship without looking back. She didn't want to make it any harder on herself by doing so.

Rose stopped when she got a step away from being on the spaceship. She had never been on one before. Even though that this was not the time for her to be regretting her choice, she did. She didn't feel ready to do this alone. But Rose knew that it was their only choice.

It was the best choice for them.

She didn't study her surroundings, worried that if she did, she wouldn't make it any further. Rose made sure to keep putting one foot in front of the other.

"You can do it. It's fine. Nothing bad is going to happen." Rose repeated as a mantra to ensure that she wouldn't turn around and run for it. Never return to this side of Purple sunshine again.

"You don't need a weapon." A voice informed her.

Rose jumped, spinning around to see where the voice came from and holding the piece of jarred wood in front of her.

"Well, that will be my decision." She replied trying to keep out the shaking from her voice. She didn't want to let the unknown person in on how she was feeling.

The guy just chucked, whilst taking his hands out his pockets to face his palms in her direction. He hoped unnervingly from one foot to the other a couple of times. But the amusement didn't leave him.

"I promise you; I didn't come here to harm any of you." He stated. The guy crept forward a few paces before stopping.

He was a similar build to John but looked to be taller. His hair was a midnight black, combed into a messy style. His clothes fresh, smooth as if they had been ironed not long ago.

"I'm Vinuuf. But people call me Vin." He softly said.

His hands had still not dropped from their position, but he didn't seem to be worried about her holding a piece of wood up to him. Almost as if he knew that Rose would never have the guts to use it. She wasn't the kind to hurt anyone.

The guy, who called himself Vin, had a slight accent. It was unusual and Rose had never come across it. It didn't seem like he was lying about being a descendant from earth.

Rose observed the guy moving towards her again; this time she wasn't frozen in her movements. She shoved the wood out as a warning to not come any closer.

"If you come into the sitting room. I can tell you why I'm here. However, I would really rather talk in a more. Comfortable place than the hallway." He huffed out tired of how Rose was treating him.

Rose nodded.

"Okay." She breathed out.

Rose still hadn't separated from her weapon; she wasn't ready to let go of it yet until she knew that they were all definitely safe.

She gave herself the luxury of focussing on her surroundings as they walked. It had a very cosy feeling to the place. The inside exterior was completely different from the outside. It had colours splattered all over the walls. Yellows and greens were the most prominent that Rose had clocked onto. It seemed to be the theme.

They eventually reached a door that Vin paused outside of. He opened a door unveiling a room devoid of people. It held a light red, fabric sofa and armchair. A darker red rug that lay in front of it, and a glass table on the rug.

It was a simple room. But effective. It told Rose that Vin liked things to be simple, he didn't do complicated. She hoped that it meant he was the honest type.

"People do say, tidy house, tidy mind." Vin exaggerated his voice, showing tiredness.

Rose knew that he must have seen her analysing the room. Assessing it to know more about him. She wasn't being subtle in her actions; Rose found no need to be.

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