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Chapter 11

She held the diary out from her body slightly, her eyebrows raising as she took in a much-needed breath. Shaking off the feeling of sorrow, she started to read one of the other chapters.

This chapter was no better, if not worse, than the first entry the women had written. But it illuminated the mistakes and importance of order and structure. Rose would ensure that the structure stayed, to keep them sane and safe.

Lily bounced into the room when she saw that Rose had the diary out. She smiled at her sitting so close there was no room to breathe.

"I see you all the time reading that book. Can you read some of it to me? You make it seem so intriguing. It must be interesting for you to keep reading it." Lilys words spilled out of her mouth.

Rose felt hesitant to read any of it to Lily with how the dairy was not always pleasant. But she knew if she didn't read even a bit, Lily would get too curious and try to read it by herself. There shouldn't be any harm in reading a couple of the happy entries. Rose thought. It would definitely stop her from trying to read it all herself.

"Okay Lily; get comfortable. And I'll find where I'm up to." Rose directed her.

"Day 30-

Dear people, this will be a shorter entry than some of my last ones, I don't want to waste much of this brilliant day buried into my dairy. I want to seize what is left of it, to saver it as much as possible.

So here we go again.

Day 30.

Today hasn't been a too bad day. We had the scientists out into the world, researching into why the food isn't growing in our sector as it should be by now. Like I mentioned when I wrote to you a couple of days entries ago, the crops just seemed to be dying, hours after planting the budding plants into the soil. With the scientists having been very far away, near one of the other bunkers, it has been quite pleasant. Between 30-40 people were in the living area, scattered amongst the tables playing games they had invented.

There was such a positive atmosphere. For me, I ventured out into the world, to view what it was like; see how the air felt on my flesh.

It was wondrous.

I hadn't managed to go outside since being down here. I never realized how much I missed it until I was outside. I didn't want to go back into the bunker after five minutes of being out here. The world still looked very Barron, with failed crops left dead in the ground.

Drying up from the heat.

It was the only downfall for me, seeing how much the world had been changed by the core exploding slightly, leaving all the beauty destroyed in its wake. But looking at it positively, it was almost as if it were a blank canvas, waiting for us to shape and mold it into a masterpiece. I just hope with all my might we deliver it to the universe.

I stayed outside for a couple of hours, some people joining in when they realized I was no longer in the bunker. We all lay there, gazing up at the forming clouds, watching the world go by and seeing what shapes those clouds turned into. It was a nice change of pace from how tiredly boring it had become in the bunker. We made sure we're back in the bunker before the scientists made it back though.

Our happiness being caught by others as they all started having more of a spring in their step. More laughter has now entered into the bunker, with people's tension lessening from the break of reality we had today.

It had been that much of an uplifting day, that everyone in the new colony sat down together to eat tea. We are all still sitting here, you can now hear the laughter and joking entering back into people's hearts. I just can't wait for another day like this to be so kind to our souls.

The life lesson that I can present for you out of today is: Don't take the small things for granted, celebrate any little thing. And don't forget the power laughter and love can have on people, it will help keep you intact during your journey."

Rose adored this entry from the journal. It was such an inspiring piece that helped lift her spirit, making her believe in something again from the other pages she had read previously. She definitely would be taking this advice and had been since the first time she read it.

Rose turned with a ghost of a smile gracing her lips to see what was making Lily so quiet. Lily must have drifted off somewhere in between entries Rose had found; they were the most upbeat ones. She gently folded her arms under Lily's body, picking her up and carrying her to her bedroom. Once again tucking her into the bedsheets all snugly.

This had started to become routine for them, Rose would be there when Lily went to bed, to make sure she felt as safe as anything, and John would normally be in the kitchen, waiting for Lily in the morning to present her with breakfast. She left the room shutting the door as quietly as she could behind her.

A couple of days passed uneventfully, and Rose woke up feeling no purpose. Pulling her stiff body out of the warm covers, she gave a deep sigh in the silent room.

Another day of waking up.

"Better document this down." Rose exhaled; she pulled herself forward with an 'Umf.' falling from her mouth; Using the pen to mark one more line onto the piling high lines on the paper stuck to the wall next to her bed.

This was the best way that she could think of to keep track on what the date was. Bring some sort of normality to an abnormal situation.

Walking away from the comfort she entered Lily's room to get her up and dressed for the day ahead. Although, as she got to the bed, she noticed that it was empty of human life. She touched the indent that was left in the bed. It was stone cold. Lily must haave gotten up earlier than usual. Thinking that she had gone to get breakfast Rose lazily strolled towards the kitchen.

Still dressed in P. J's, Lily stood onto the kitchen side in order to get into the cupboard above. With her head completely engulfed into the dark space seeing what there was that she could be munching on.

"I see someone's having a good morning." Rose startled Lily from the sing-song voice.

Rose tried to hide her laughter at how adorable Lily had looked being caught with her hand in the cookie jar. Literally.

Lily turned around slowly. Nearly falling off of the side at the same time; catching herself she jumped down from the stare giving Rose a sheepish look, opening her eyes as wide as she could to initiate puppy dog eyes, hoping to make Rose melt in her shoes. Knowing that this would get her out of any trouble she may have just gotten herself into; Rose giggled not being able to keep a straight face.

She leaned against the wall folding her arms in front of her as she gazed down at Lily, waiting to see what she would do next to not get a lecture about how dangerous what she was just doing could be.  

Now we're getting more of an idea of how the Journal sounds! 

What do you think of the woman that's writing the journal?

She really likes giving advice, and having life lessons come out of everything, doesn't she! 

And how are you feeling about the characters so far? 

Drop a comment below!! 

I hope you all continue having a good reading day and are staying safe out there. 

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