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John just hoped that Rose would see what he was doing in the long run, and not have her emotions change too much towards him for it.

But he did know Rose, he knew her well enough that making the decisions helped to give her the structure she needed to live. He wouldn't ever take that away from her, it was one of her special quirks he loved.

"I'll go run you a bath, I know that always makes you feel better." He lowered and softened his voice no longer wanting to be the bad guy.

"Thank you." Rose uttered surprised at John; she hadn't realised he had noticed that.

It slowly dawning on her that he must've been paying attention to her habits without her realising. Even down to her needing to be on top of situations to keep them all safe.

John left the journal near the bath, knowing that Rose drew strength from it. He saw how it comforted her in the past, even giving her ideas of how to deal with issues that arose through reading what past leaders had done to diffuse situations.

He touched the journals cover one last time before leaving the room to tell Rose that her bath was ready for her.

It had gone mid-day before Rose was ready to face reality yet again. She had collected her strength, re-grouping her thoughts, ready and willing to sort through it.

"Open the doors" She commanded John, having a feeling deep in her gut that they wouldn't have to wait long for the two to enter back down into the bunker to sort out this mess as well.

She had decided that she would leave it up to them to get down here instead of going to find them. It would leave the power on her instead of taking it away. With the technology they might have aboard their ships, Rose thought that, that was the best idea. It would deter them from using it.

"Right, the rest is up to them, I will wait outside to speak to them one by one, but it will better that we don't enter their ships and stay in eyesight of each other. With all that technology and advanced medicine inside the ship, we don't know whether either of them has something that could harm us." She warned John.

He gave a curt nod before keeping an eye on Rose as she climbed up into the hut to wait for them. She opened the door fully so they would be able to see them both waiting there.

"One thing. This time I'm not letting you do this alone, not when there's the possibility of them actually working together to harm us." He commanded Rose. He knew that he wouldn't give them a chance to get to her. John wouldn't let anything bad happen to her.

"I wasn't even gonna suggest it." She glanced back over her shoulder to grin at him for a couple of seconds going straight back to keeping a watch out for the other two.

It didn't take long for them to pop their heads out of their individual spaceships. Slowly approaching Rose and John. They both began speeding up, trying to beat the other one in order to get what they wanted across first.

Seeing them both open their mouths, Rose held her hand up to stop them.

"Seeing as Knox has already had his say today on why he's here, I want to speak to Vin. Don't start." Rose turned her head towards Knox clocking out of the corner of her eye that he changed his stance ready to put up a fight with her decision.

"YOU, are the one that came to MY planet. So, you WILL adhere to what I want." Rose found her footing, defending her choice and putting her foot down. She would not let them rule over Purple Sunrise. It was there home now after all.

"Come." She demanded Vin not giving him a choice.

Rose and John escorted him back down into the bunker, John putting his hand down onto Vin's shoulder; guiding to put it down onto the same sofa Knox was on earlier that day.

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