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"How's it going in here?"

"Not too bad, I think I'm almost finished." The statement flowed out matter of factly from John's mouth.

He had a hot chocolate covered in cream and marshmallows on a tiny plate, delicately placed next to it was a chicken salad sandwich cut up into four triangles. John presented the plate to Lily who had stood behind Rose in an attempt to go back to hiding.  


Chapter 5.

Rose glimpsed Lily staring hungrily at the food, ready to devour it when told she could. The envious look due to John still holding the food started overtaking the hunger gaze. Rose gave Lily a gentle smile.

"He isn't going to hurt you either, would you like me to pass you the plate?" Lily regretfully tore her eyes away from the food to peer up at Rose, she nodded with a big puff of air exhaling out of her small closed mouth. With an apologetic look to John, Rose took the plate John trying to make a gesture to indicate that he understood.

Lily inhaled her sandwich with no one talking. She gave curious glances towards the other two people that were sat in front of her wondering why they were being so polite and nice to her. This treatment she had not been met with for years. It was such bizarre behaviour for her to encounter in people now that it was almost suspicious. But the food was amazing, she hadn't been able to eat for the past couple of days as she made her way towards the bunker, it had been her only goal.

They want something from me. Lily thought weakly to herself. Lily was exhausted, she had heard them from when they first stepped into the room, she made sure it was closed. Lily had been attempting to make sure that they wouldn't find her, she had been positive that no one would have gone into the last room; expecting that they would get bored long before that. Clearly, she had been wrong.

"Well." Rose started with a massive sigh a couple of minutes after Lily took the last slurping sip of the hot chocolate.

"I don't know about you two, but after the events we've all been through already today. I'm ready to have a nap." Rose turned to look upon Lily for the next part.

"Why don't we get you in bed for a sleep too and we will all come back in here after?" Lily nodded her head thinking it was the safest thing to do. She did feel rather drained and could do with a bit of a sleep. She stood up waiting and hoping for Rose to come to her side; in that moment Lily realised that she felt a bit safer while Rose was near her.

Rose gave Lily a small smile before leading all of them towards the doors of the bedroom again putting Lily into the one next to the first bedroom that had held the letters.

"Have a good sleep Lily, if you need me, I will be in that bedroom." Rose pointed in the direction to the bedroom opposite the one from Lily's. She watched as Lily walked into the bedroom dragging her feet and waited to see her shut the door before grabbing a section of John's button down top, to yank him further down the hall.


"Shhh, don't be so loud right now." Rose shushed his loud noise trying to make sure it hadn't drawn Lily's attention. When she thought they were far enough away Rose began to whisper so that Lily couldn't hear them.

"I don't think it's a good idea we tell her why we're down here. Judging by her clothes I doubt it's the same reason she is." John was listening carefully to her, letting it sink in.

"You're right, if she was, she wouldn't have reacted quiet like she did. But how are we meant to sort out that gardening room with her without her getting suspicious?"

"We don't, we are just gonna have to do it without her knowing, take it in shifts and stay down here for a few extra days; just until she has calmed down enough to trust us. Then we can tell her what's going on."

John could see the unhappy look that had absorbed Rose's features; with furrowed eyebrows, her lips in a thin line, he didn't like seeing that look one bit. Not on anyone's face. He started nodding his head knowing she was right, but not liking how much harder it was going to make the already difficult situation they were in.

Rose smiled an off handed smile. "Thank you, I'll take first watch, you go get some rest."

Rose gave a very satisfied smile with her hands resting comfortably on her hips one leg slightly bent.

"Hmf" She nodded her head.

Pleased by her handy work that lay ahead. All the seeds were now planted, the UV lights lighting up the room on timers with handmade timers for the water. Rose shut the door locking it to ensure no entry for Lily and sneaked back up the hallway into the room she had said she would use. Rose imagined that she had already been busy for at least a couple of hours so Lily and John would most likely be waking up very shortly.

With this in mind, she headed leisurely towards the closet to see what style clothes the others had left. The closet consisted mostly of black jeans of all sizes and t-shirts of all colours. Picking out her size in jeans Rose grabbed the first top that her hand touched tugging it out of the packed closet. Heading towards the bathroom she peered within each cabinet to see what hidden gems they were hiding. Stumbling across bubble bath Rose glanced at the bath with a longing in her urging her to have one.

"Rose!" Came a panicking voice echoing its way into her sanctuary.

Rose jumped up realising that she must've fallen asleep in the bath.

"I'm in here! I'll be out in a second I'm just in the bath!" She yelled back to John in hopes that he wouldn't be panicked any longer.

It's not like I can go anywhere far. Rose thought to herself with amusement that his worry was futile for this reason. They were all trapped down there after all. Having just finished wrapping the towel around her Rose saw a blur as the door opened and a body slammed tightly against hers. Lily was in tears as she hugged the hardest, she could up to Rose.

Lily had thought that she had left her just as everyone else had that had ever looked after her. It was a long list, No one had yet to stay, to give her a safe environment where she could just be herself and age.

"It's okay, I won't go anywhere out of this place without you." Rose cooed at Lily putting her clean arms around her.

"Good." Rose heard Lily whisper into her midsection. Rose held a sad smile.

"Common, let's go sit down." Rose pulled her onto the sofa facing Lily hoping she would be able to get more information out of her. "So, Lily. What do you normally like doing?" Rose thought starting off with a question not relating to their situation would be best.

"Erm, not much. I like reading."

"I like reading too, what is your favourite thing to read?" She inquired, Rose was generally interested in her answer, she used to spend any spare time she had reading books.

"Erm, well my favourite book has to be The Lonely Star. It's a book about a girl who was alone in space." Lily explained, Rose had heard of that book it did make for good reading.

"Do you like playing any games?" She asked changing the subject. She hadn't seen any books yet in the bunker, so she couldn't get the information by offering one if she told her. 

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