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"Daddy!" Jungwon whines "Yes, Little Kitten?" Jay singsongs. "Cant Uncle Jake and Niki stay with us?" The cat like three year old asks. "Maybe another time, he has to go home today"

"Aww! Why?" "Niki and I have no clothes, Wonie. Next time we'll come prepared, I promise" Jake says. "Cant you just wear my daddy's clothes and Niki can wear my baby clothes"

Jake blushes at this for some reason. "I'm sorry, buddy, I've thrown out your baby clothes. You're a big boy now and can't fit them anymore" Jay says.

Jungwon humphs upset at the two adults in the backseat before he starts entertaining Niki. "Thank you for allowing us to tag along today, Jay" Jake says.

"No problem, you seem like you needed a fun day off and it was also fun to have company myself" Jay says. "I guess I did need this" Jake says looking out the window.

"We should do this another time and invite, Sunoo, Sunghoon and Heeseung with us" Jay says. Jake smiles brightly "Sounds like a great idea" Jay then makes his way into Jake's drive way.

"Thanks Jay, I appreciate everything you've done for me" Jake says taking Niki and his items out of Jay's car and saying bye to Jungwon.

Jungwon gives him a bit of attitude first before making him promise to sleep over next time. "Bye, Niki" Jay says to the baby, who giggles at the older man.

"We'll see you guys next time" Jake waves and heads inside as Jay and Jungwon wave from the car, not leaving until Jake enters his house safely.


Heeseung cursed himself and his weird soft spot for Sunghoon, the married, straight man. It caused him to be late when he didn't have to be. "Shit! I need to be driving... like now!"

He immediately checked his look again before snatching his essentials and turning off all lights and locking doors. He was going to be at least 5 to 8 minutes late.

He tried as best as he could to drive like a maniac but was still late. He walked feeling a little relaxed, remembering Jeno is a gentleman he won't mind a few minutes.

Though he still felt bad making him wait, it the feeling lessened until he sat down. "Are you always going to be late?" Jeno says without even greeting him.

Heeseung was taken by surprise, apologizing immediately "I'm sorry, my job went over and I was just a few minutes" Heeseung blurts before calming down "besides, I thought you didn't mind" he says.

"Still, you could've told me that, at least try to be on time that's no excuse for you to be late every time" Jeno says making eye contact with the younger who immediately broke it out of embarrassment.

Jeno sighs "I'm sorry, it's just work didn't end that well today and I'm a bit stressed right now" he explains but Heeseung only nods looking outside.

Jeno takes his hand and his attention "Heeseung, you have to believe me. My outburst wasn't intentional" he says in a very soft tone making Heeseung melt.

Though that was no excuse and Heeseung believes he should leave his work trouble at work, he let it slide and they ordered food. Heeseung was kind off ready to go home.

While in this thought and drinking water, Jeno starts a conversation. "What are some rules or expectations you have for the relationship?" Heeseung chokes on his water throwing a coughing fit.

Jeno just sat there not helping at all, he just stared at Heeseung yacking and turning into a tomato, turning Heeseung off again as he sat with no expression.

"What did you say?" Heeseung asks again for clarity, was he hearing things? "What are some rules or expectations you have for the relationship?" He says again.

"Jeno, we're only on the second date and rules? There's rules to a relationship? Do you mean like cheating?" Heeseung says wiping his tears. "Yes, rules and no I don't mean cheating"

Jeno says "Cheating and stuff like that are basically laws, you know not to do those things. I have few rules that I hope you'll grow accustom to eventually"

Heeseung did not agree with rules in a relationship no matter with whomever. He believes in boundaries but not rules because every relationship can be different.

Heeseung bit back an eye roll, allowing Jeno to continue with his rules. "One, I want to meet all your friends and be acquaintanced with them" Heeseung nods that wasn't too bad.

"Two, I don't want you out after dark especially when I'm at work because I don't want something to happen to you and if it does you would not be able to reach me right away"

Heeseung's eyes widen, that was reasonable at first until he said he wouldn't be able to reach him, he sounds like he's a work addict. And Heeseung didn't want to feel like Cinderella.

"Three, I will be the main provider in the relationship, therefore I don't think you should work because I can provide for you myself, which I will" Jeno says.

This was getting out of hand, Jeno was sounding more and more like a control freak with every word he says. Again with freedom, Heeseung was used to providing for himself nor would he just want to live off another man.

"Are you serious?! Your rules are terrible, you would just want me to stay at home all day and live off you, while you prioritize your job over me? I'll never be that desperate"

Heeseung scoffs, standing up "I don't think this will ever work out, who talks about a relationship rules on the second date? I barely know you and vice versa. I could be crazy for all you know"

Heeseung looks at all the people staring at him except Jeno who is furiously red. "Of course you were too good to be true, you're controlling. Have a good night..."

Heeseung storms out and gets in his car with a sigh. "Fuck... my life! My favorite person is a three year old boy and my dating activity is shit" Heeseung chuckles frustratedly.


Sunghoon opens his apartment door with Sunoo in his arms who is sleeping yet again. Jisoo is right on the couch, holding a glass of red liquid in her hands.

"When did you start drinking?" Sunghoon asks, gaining her attention. "Why are you bringing my son home so late?" Jisoo says in a sort of slow manner.

She was just about tipsy, meaning she hadn't been drinking long. Sunghoon went to put Sunoo to sleep first before tending to his wife. He did eventually come back to her.

Just as she was pouring herself another glass he took the bottle from her. "That's enough Jisoo. That's not gonna solve anything" Jisoo looks at him quizzically before slapping him.

"What the hell, Jisoo. I'm not gonna start with you tonight, it's late and Sunoo is sleep" Sunghoon says rubbing his light red cheek. "So now you wanna be mature, fuck off"

"What is up with you? You're starting problems for no reason. Yeah, I brought Sunoo home late because he went to daycare and I had to do overtime. He was at daycare because you wouldn't care for him today. You need to stop acting like you don't want him, he's not dumb"

Jisoo slowly rolls her eyes at him before slapping him again. "You are my problem, Park Sunghoon. You did this to me! I hate you!" Jisoo says before walking out of the house again.


After showering and dressing he makes his way to Sunoo's bedroom and lays down. He takes Sunoo into his hold hugging him tight. Sunghoon regretted not stopping Jisoo now but it was too late.

𝕷𝖎𝖋𝖊 𝕬𝖘 𝕵𝖙 𝕮𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖘 ~ Heehoon ft JaykeWhere stories live. Discover now