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"Jakey, what's up, bud?" Jay answers and Jake blushes from the pet name

"Hey, Jay! Erm... I'm calling you while Heeseung's gonna call Sunghoon-"

"Sunghoon? He's right next to me" there's a pause "Go on Jakey!"

"Uhm, Heeseung might not be available tomorrow so I'll be taking the kids instead but you'll still bring them to his place"

"What's wrong with Heeseung? Is he okay? Did something happen to him?" Sunghoon pipes up, Heeseung, who was next to the phone, blushes hearing the younger's concern

"He... has some family stuff going on, he'll try to work tomorrow if he can" Jake says looking at Heeseung making sure he's not overstepping but Heeseung gives no sign of it.

"Okay... if he needs anything or you need anything let me know" Jay says making Jake smile, Jay was a good friend

"I'll help too" Sunghoon chirps, Heeseung's face burns brighter now. Why? It was just words!

"Alright... thank you guys for your understanding. See you tomorrow" Jake says.

"See you tomorrow" Jay hangs up.

"Heeseung! Your face is on fire don't tell me you-" "Shut up, if you don't say it won't be real, don't speak it into existence. Dummy"

Yes, Heeseung still had an inkling of feelings for the younger man as he was very handsome and he saw him quite often, not to mention his personality.

Jake just sighs but says nothing seeing as it's sort of his fault for bringing the possible attraction to the older's attention.

"Okay I know it-" "I don't wanna talk about it, Jake" Heeseung shuts him down immediately. "Okay, I understand bestie..." Jake says awkwardly.


After a few hours flew by the two toddlers grew tired and fussy which meant it was time to go home.

"I meant what I said Sunghoon and I hope we get closer and more comfortable with each other" Jay says and Sunghoon nods.

"Me too, seriously" Sunghoon says while down on the floor Sunoo and Jungwon were each tugging their father's pants.

"Okay, Sunoo's about to pull my pants off" he sighs picking up the older three year old "Ill see you tomorrow" Sunghoon says.

Jay picks up Jungwon as well "I'll see you tomorrow" "bye bye, Wonie" Sunoo says in a quiet sleepy tone.

"Bye bye, Ddeonu" Jungwon says in the same tone. Jay walks off giving Jungwon a ton of butterfly kisses on his face seeing as Jungwon was too tired to fake and pretend to fend them off, he was in his most precious state.

"I love you, little kitten"  he whispers on his way to his car before strapping Jungwon in. "I'm proud of you and Sunoo, baby"

Jungwon rubs his fist in his eyes "Why? I make Ddeonu sad and he cry today because of me" Jungwon says sadly.

"I know but you  guys used your big boy words and  you made him feel better. You did a good job" Jay says glancing at him in the rear view.

"I did what you do to me when you make me sad, Daddy" Jungwon says making Jay smile very brightly, he was proud Jungwon picked up something good from him.


Once home Jungwon was very much asleep as Jay just took off his shoes and pants so he'll be comfortable. While Jungwon is asleep, Jay takes the time to clean his place up.

While he was cleaning up his second bathroom, he heard his doorbell ring and immediately went to the door so they won't wake up Jungwon.

"Hello-" he was pulled into the soft embrace of his mom which he immediately returned it. "Hi, baby" since Jay was significantly taller than his mom she settled for kissing his cheek.

"Where's my little sheep garden?" She asks when she walks into the freshly clean house. "Just came back from a play date so sleep"

"You're doing a great job son and I'm so proud of you" she said smiling. "Thanks mom" "I came over because I felt something was wrong, is there?"

Jay put the cleaning rag on the table not answering his mom. "Did she come back again?" She asks receiving no answer.

"Jongseong. Did she?" He sighs, flopping on his couch. "Last week" she sits next to him with a sigh of her own.

"Why don't you put a restraining order on her? She's a danger to you and my-"

"She's his mom, mom! He deserves to know his mom and I- I still have hope that- that she'll come back. She'll come back for-"

"Are you still in love with her?!"

"No! I never was... I was infatuated with her because she was carrying my first and only child. I never fell in love with her. Jungwon deserves a happy and better life than I had, so right now I hope for her to come back for him"

Jay breaks down in tears, his talk with Sunghoon reminded him of his struggles also. He needed Eunwon to come back for Jungwon.

He was tired of not having answers to why Jungwon didn't have a mom because he didn't know.

Everything just went so wrong and he didn't know why but he knew it was his fault and Jungwon didn't deserve the consequences.

Jay's mother consoled him as he shook with sobs. "I know you want what's best for Jungwon but also take care of yourself, if you need help ask! Always, please"

The young father nods as he soon calms down. "I'll stay and cook dinner for you guys okay?" Jay nods as she starts to get up and stops her.

"I love you, mommy, thank you for everything and thank you for loving me and Jungwon" he says and she kisses his forehead. "Of course, Honey. I love you too"


"Daddy! Daddy!" Jay could hear Jungwon pitter-pattering into the living room where he slept on the couch.

Jungwon kisses his father awake. "Is that my sheep garden?!" Jungwon perks up at the name. "Grandma!" Jungwon runs to the kitchen.

"Jungwon! Mom don't call him to the kitchen" Jay says sitting up properly. A few minutes later Jungwon came out of the kitchen in his grandma's arms as he kisses her cheeks.

"What did you tell grandma little sheep?"  Jungwon giggles covering his face that was now a pink flush. "Mm mmm" Jungwon digs himself into his grandmother's chest.

"Come on" she gently urges the three year old "What did you tell grandma?" Jungwon pops his head back out to look at his grandma.

"I, I love my daddy.He my daddy! He best daddy ever!" Jungwon says now covering his eyes in embarrassment as his grandma puts him down and he runs to his dad.

"I love you too, Kitten. You are my favorite Kitten and the best Jungwon ever!" Jay says kissing Jungwon all over his face.

In moments like this Jungwon made Jay feel like a good dad and he couldn't be more grateful for these moments. "Is the food ready mom?" She nods with a smile.

"Let's go eat, Wonnie. I wonder what grandma made for us today" Jay says. "It's rice and seafood!" Jay frowns. "Mom, seafood is expensive"

"Yes, now don't waste it and eat"

𝕷𝖎𝖋𝖊 𝕬𝖘 𝕵𝖙 𝕮𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖘 ~ Heehoon ft JaykeWhere stories live. Discover now