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Jake and Niki decided to spend the whole day with Heeseung, which he was very grateful for. Jake had just put Niki down in Heeseung's room to sleep when his phone goes off.

It's his mom, he takes a deep breath before answering.

"Hey, mom"

"Heeseung, honey, how are you?"

"I'm good mom, to who do I owe this phone call?"

"You're father wants you to come in on Monday and I want to check on my baby!"

"Why didn't he just call me himself?"

"Oh, i didn't want him to, we all agree I'm nicer than him. I didn't want another argument to strain you guys relationship more"

"It's too late for that mom, he's pushing himself further and further into denial and I can't handle that, you know this"

"I know, I said not to strain it more. He's just taking longer to accepting things seeing as you're our only child"

"Exactly how do you think I felt being the only child and coming to terms with accepting myself and building courage to tell you guys"

Jake comes back seeing Heeseung all riled up and gives his hand a calming squeeze.

"I know son, and I will never discredit you of that, I just want an understanding from all parties involved"

"I know mom and I'm sorry, I don't want to continue this kind of conversation"

"Alright honey, it'll only be for a few hours since I know you have another job with those sweet babies!"

Heeseung chuckles "Okay, mom. Thank you"

"Of course sweetheart, I'll see you Monday and I love you"

"I love you too" Heeseung hangs up almost very drained, as usual whenever one of his parents call him.

"We should call Jay and Sunghoon to let them know I'll take the kids" Jake says after a few beats of silence. "Thanks, you can watch them here then" Jake nods dialing Jay's number.


Jay walks in the indoor playset, checking to see if Sunghoon is there, when Jungwon spots Sunoo first. "DDEONU!!!" He screams.

He runs to the older toddler giving him a tight hug before letting go to grab his hand and show him around the set.

Sunghoon becomes visible as he also started looking for Jay, hearing Jungwon. Jay makes his way to the younger male "Sorry for the wait" Jay says.

"No worries this set is surprisingly close to my place, I'm surprised I didn't see it before now" Sunghoon assures Jay looking at their sons play.

"You usually sound disconnected and sad but today it's heavier in your voice then usual. Are you sure you're okay, Sunghoon?"

"Really?" Jay could see his mood stoop even lower after his comment and he could've kicked himself.

"Sunghoon, I'm not trying to make you feel bad, I've grown to like you. We're in the same boat pretty much and as friends we should each other as much as we can"

"You consider us friends?" Sunghoon asks looking up at the older.

"I think so. Just because we don't know you that well and you weren't as involved before doesn't mean you can't make up for now. Of course we're friends, Sunoo is an amazing kid and he had to get it from someone right? We're all just trying figure this out and do what's best for our sons. Though I'm older, your son is older meaning you've been doing this longer and Niki's not even a year old yet. We can all learn from each other, don't you think?"

Sunghoon nods. He was glad Jay considered them friends, with the way his marriage was going he was going to need some soon.

"With all that being said, you don't have tell me all of it or any at all of you don't want to"

"I just really want to be a good person for Sunoo and everyday I- I don't know... something always happens that makes feel like I've failed him"

"Well from what I know you're doing great. Sunoo is a great reflection of you and your morals don't you think?"

"I guess I just feel bad when I leave him home sometimes, he just-" Sunghoon cuts himself not wanting to slander Jisoo, reminding him she never came home "It's my fault..."

Before Jay could reply, his phone rang. It was Jake, he smiled a bit before answering despite the sour convo he just had.

"Jakey, what's up, bud?"

"Hey, Jay! Erm... I'm calling you while Heeseung's gonna call Sunghoon-"

"Sunghoon? He's right next to me" he puts his phone on speaker phone tapping the spaced out father beside him. "Go on Jakey!"

"Uhm, Heeseung might not be available tomorrow so I'll be taking the kids instead but you'll still bring them to his place"

"What's wrong with Heeseung? Is he okay? Did something happen to him?" Sunghoon pipes up, he was concerned obviously because Heeseung has saved his life on different occasions.

"He... has some family stuff going on, he'll try to work tomorrow if he can" Jake says.

"Okay... if he needs anything or you need anything let me know" Jay says.

"I'll help too" Sunghoon chirps.

"Alright... thank you guys for your understanding. See you tomorrow" Jake says.

"See you tomorrow" Jay hangs up.


Sunoo has been sitting on the floor for the past ten minutes. At first everything was fine, Jungwon was giving him a tour of the playset and introducing him to the other kids that he knew.

Jungwon would drift away sometimes but always came back when Sunoo called him but then he stopped.

He didn't know how to play any of the games that they wanted to play and he was too shy to ask any of the kids to teach him,

"Wonie! Wonie? Wonie where are you?!" He calls. "I playing Sunoo!" He would say and go back to the other kids.

This wasn't fun anymore, he came to play with Jungwon and now he wasn't, he was all alone and ready to go home.

He didn't like it and started crying. He at least wanted say goodbye so when the kids took a break he walked to Jungwon to say bye.

"Jungwonnie. Jungwonnie" he got the panting three years old's attention "I gonna go home" Jungwon looks at him and his puffy eyes.

"Why?! And why you eyes red? Why you crying?!" Jungwon asks moving closer to Sunoo who backs away.

"I wanna go home. I came to play with Wonie and you not play with me, it make me sad, I wanna go" Sunoo cries.

"No! Ddeonu, pease stay with Wonie?! I not leave you again. We can play, you stop crying okay? I sorry for make you sad"

Sunoo allows Jungwon to close the distance between him as the younger wipes his eyes and kisses the tear on his cheeks away.

"you feel better?" Jungwon asks and Sunoo nods, Jungwon hugs him. "Let's go, we can play" Sunoo nods as Jungwon drags him back with the other kids.

"Wonie, I dont know how to play this game" Sunoo says quietly. "It's okay, Ddeonu. I show you!" Jungwon smiles making Sunoo smile too.

Since it was requested here you go

𝕷𝖎𝖋𝖊 𝕬𝖘 𝕵𝖙 𝕮𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖘 ~ Heehoon ft JaykeWhere stories live. Discover now