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❗ Violent topics.

Mitsuya hesitated to speak and ask.
Y/N was thinking if he should tell him the truth or make up things.

"Is there something wrong with your photos?...like, why are they like that" Mitsuya refers to partially torn photos .

"Because I didn't like it" Y/N said.

"Can you tell me? or would you rather leave it to the side... "Mitsuya didn't want to meddle so much in the other boy's life, but he was very curious.

" I tell you the truth and you promise me not to tell anyone."Y/N stared into Mitsuya's eyes.

Mitsuya nodded.

So Y/N prepared himself and tells the big events of his childhood to Mitsuya....

He tore up the pictures because of his parents, and just left him and Kisaki in every picture. As you can see, Y/N and Kisaki are not biological brothers, Y/N was adopted because his mother didn't want him anymore.

The reason his mother left him was because she was arrested for murder. Y/N's father went out every night in bars and clubs, his mother didn't like that, one day, the woman found out that her husband had cheated on her with another woman and got her pregnant.

The two of them weren't good, the father was an idiot and the mother wasn't a good mother either.

The man used to hit Y/N whenever he could after coming back home, saying that he was tired of working so much, when the truth is that he was going around drinking and kissing other women.

The woman was at home all day, literally ordering Y/N to do everything. From washing clothes, cooking, shopping and among others.
Y/N never rebelled, because he knew that if he rebelled, he wouldn't even be able to have a shelter and would sleep on the streets.

The day the woman discovers the man's betrayal, she becomes angry. The two had a huge fight in the kitchen. Things seemed to calm down after a while, but after dinner, the man continued to drink. This the woman's limit.

She takes the fruit knife and stabs her husband in the back, seeing that her husband tries to counterattack, she stabs him in the neck multiple times too. So the man stops moving and dies.

Y/N was at the kitchen door, witnessed everything. He looks at his mother with a frightened look.

"You did not see anything" She looks at the little one, as if warning him, if he tells anyone about what just happened, she will kill him too.

"Yes, mom" He looks down and goes to get a mop to clean the floor full of his own father's blood.

Y/N's mother buried the man's body in her own backyard. A week passed and no one suspected the man's disappearance.

But one day, cops came to question Y/N's mother. When she returned, she grabbed Y/N by the hair and screamed in his face.


The woman drags the child by the hair to the door and throws him out. She closes and locks the door.

"Mom! Mom! Why!? I behaved well! I didn't forget to cook today! I didn't forget to do the shopping! " Y/N hits the door.

The neighborhood heard the child's screams and went to see what was going on. Y/N was crying a lot.

"I've done everything you ask me to do! Why can't you just love me once!" Y/N continues to cry, a woman that had her child with her and was thinking of approaching.

Suddenly, the door opens, Y/N smiles with eyes full of tears, waiting for his mother to let him back in the house.

"Mom!" The child will try to hug his mother.

But he is pulled by the arm abruptly and looks into his mother's cold eyes.
She was holding the same knife she used to kill her husband.

"Fucking ass" Mom raises her arm, Y/N gets scared and starts crying again.

The woman who had the child with her pushes Y/N's mother and saves the child who was crying in fear.

"Someone call the police!" She pleaded.

The mens in the neighborhood plucked up courage and stopped Y/N's mother from moving.

The police arrive a while later and take the woman crazy away.
Y/N was already calmer.

"Policeman, can I take care of this child?" The woman was devastated at what Y/N could have gone through living with those kinds of parents.

"You can adopt him if you want, but for now he will come with us" The policeman wanted to hold Y/N.

"Of course" The woman let Y/N to go with the authorities.
"Kisaki, let's go home"

Days later, Y/N explained everything he knew and told the police where his father's body was.
Later, Y/N was adopted by the woman who had taken the initiative to save him.

"My God....Y/N, I didn't know it was going to be like this... I am so Sorry to make you remember that" Mitsuya was shocked by the story Y/N told him.

"Its all good now" Y/N smiled.

"But why are you still crying for her" Mitsuya asked, making Y/N tilt his head.


"Well, it was...when you were sleeping at my house. You were crying for your mother" Mitsuya remembers about that night.

"It must be a FlashBack in my dreams or something like that. I wouldn't like to see her ever again tho." Y/N rolled his eyes.

Mitsuya gave the boy a hug.
"Glad everything is alright"

Y/N hugs Mitsuya back.
"Thank you"

"And I won't tell anyone this, I promise!" Mitsuya said.

"If you do tell anyone, I will kill you in my mother's style" Y/N glared at him with cold eyes.

"Damn....that was...unexpected? " Mitsuya was dumbfounded.

"Sorry, maybe it's just in the blood to be a phyco like her" Y/N laughs, Mitsuya weakly chuckles with him.

'You're strong Y/N' He thought.

"We should go to sleep now don't you think?" Mitsuya looks outside the window wondering about the time.

"Of course" Y/N stands up and goes to turn the lights off.
"In the same bed!"

"I was going to the sofa" Mitsuya felt Y/N above him.

"Nope, you let me sleep on your bed once, a today you're going to sleep here" Y/N puts the blanket over Mitsuya and then lays next to him.

"Thank you Y/N" Mitsuya chuckled.

"Thank you for being my friend Mitsuya" Y/N said.

"Me too"

After a little time later, Mitsuya fell asleep.
Y/N turns to his direction and slowly tries to hug him.

He sighed, decided to give up what he was doing. But Mitsuya moved and put an arm over Y/N.

The boy smiled and fell asleep too.


Sorry for any typo!
Hope you liked it!

Psycho// Mitsuya Takashi X Male Y/N//TRWhere stories live. Discover now