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Sorry for any typo.

The next week, Kyung already appeared at school, everyone was shocked. From her appearance and her attitude.

"Why would you come back the last week of school?" The teacher asked with a disappointed tone.

"Would you like me to be dead as everyone thought?" Kyung replied, the class starts to have light laughter and the teacher stopped talking to Kyung.

Amaya was already aware of what Kyung did to the missing students, she also wanted to call the police, but she couldn't with her own willpower.

Amaya looks at Y/N discreetly, she sighed as she didn't want to blame him for her own lack of will.

It was such a bad thing that she was doing. But wanted to let Y/N have his ways.

Without noticing, Amaya was looking at Y/N for a long time and eventually he caught Amaya staring at him.

She quickly looked away, Y/N didn't think too much and continued to pay attention to the class.

After classes, Kyung didn't spend the break with Y/N.
Mitsuya was in the club doing things and she was going to observe in secret.

Y/N was thinking of going to see Mitsuya since Kyung left without warning and Amaya also went straight out of the class room.

On the way to the Home Economics club, Kyung was looking inside through the small gap that the door made.

She ignored people's stares judging what she was doing, Y/N found it quite bizarre and just stood there without moving forward. 

Kyung straightened her back and started to run away.
Y/N tilted his head in confusion and saw her hiding inside a classroom.

The clubes door opened and Kyung continues peeking.

The people who walked out of that door were Amaya and Mitsuya. Y/N and Kyung were wide-eyed as they didn't know a reason for her to be with him.

"What is that bitch doing next to my man" Kyung murmured, struggling not to jump on top of her ex-friend.

Kyung thought and thought, all the conclusions got mixed up and didn't end well. She came to the conclusion that Amaya was after Mitsuya.

With Y/N, he also came to a similar conclusion.
"She knows that I like him...as long as she's not a big obstacle..." Y/N was standing in the middle of the hallway, looking at the backs of the two with a piercing gaze.

"What's wrong with these two" Someone said as they walked past Y/N.

"Kyung reminds me of that Yandere from that series ahahah" That person's friend said.

Something clicked inside Y/N's brain, Kyung was possibly one Yandere as people say.

He couldn't bear the laughter, he thought that she was pathetic to turn into something like that just for a guy...

But he wasn't much different, it's not like that he didn't change his attitude towards other people when it comes to Mitsuya.

'But I will never be like her' Y/N turns his back to where Amaya and Mitsuya went.
"But if you become a rival, I will have to take action" Y/N spoke calmly and walks forward.

While with Amaya and Mitsuya, the two stayed at the end of a corridor where no one was around. They didn't know that Kyung was secretly listening to them.

"You can tell me what you wanted" Mitsuya said first.

"You've been friends with Y/N for a while now" Amaya started.

Psycho// Mitsuya Takashi X Male Y/N//TRWhere stories live. Discover now