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Sorry for any typo!

Y/N is sitting on the couch, watching TV with his younger brother.

"Don't you have anything to do? Why don't you go to Mitsuya's house?" Kisaki complained .

"Why aren't you with Hanma today?" Y/N asked back.

"He just has things to do." Kisaki replied and fell silent after realizing it.

"Exactly" Y/N rolled her eyes "Mitsuya is also busy today"

"What's with you being around him so much" Kisaki asked.

"Non of your business" Y/N warned and soon someone knocked on the door.

"I'll open the door" Kisaki stood up, this made Y/N doubt him.

"Of course? I've never seen you so responsible" Y/N smiled and changed the TV channel

"You can come in if you want" Kisaki said to someone at the door.

"Who's at the door?" Y/N was curious when he heard unfamiliar voices.

Then two guys entered the door, Y/N got up from the couch and went to see who they were. It was people dressed in white, Y/N sighed as he remembered that his brother was in this world of delinquents.

"It wouldn't be very good if we talk with someone else here" The black haired boy said looking at Y/N. "We'll talk another time, meanwhile I will have some visits to make."

Without saying much, they just left, Kisaki didn't even say anything.

"The kind of friend you have..." Y/N returns to sit on the couch.

"Look who's talking" Kisaki said, he already knew about the bullshit involving Y/N's friendships.

As soon as they mentioned this, Y/N didn't say anything else, Kisaki thought that his brother was no longer interested in continuing the conversation so he just sat on the sofa and continued to watch TV.

In fact, Y/N was thinking about what to do in the near future where anything can happen.

He imagined all kinds of scenarios that could happen, especially his confession to Mitsuya, he was already planning how to confess to him.

'There's no way he doesn't like me... after everything we've been through... everything we've done' Y/N thought, deluded by Mitsuya's friendliness.

Changing scenes, as Y/N relaxed on his couch watching TV. Kyung was doing the job that she gave to herself.

She carefully followed a girl with brown hair, waiting for the perfect moment to attack, which was the moment she entered an empty street.

The victim also felt chills, she couldn't look back and mentally endure what she could possibly face, hence the girl just accelerated her steps.

Kyung approached confidently, pulling a paring knife out of her purse.

With courage, the victim looks at the glass of a store and notices a girl with black hair, she quickly noticed who it was, seeing the reflection of the knife that was in the girl's hand, she quickly changes her quick steps to running.

Kyung ran after her, the victim tries to call the police but couldn't, because she had tripped for not looking at where she was going.

"This is for you to learn leave my man alone" Kyung got closer and closer.

The victim throws her cell phone at Kyung's face, which made her stop and scream in pain.
With that, the victim saw an opportunity to escape and took advantage of it.

Psycho// Mitsuya Takashi X Male Y/N//TRWhere stories live. Discover now