Recap 💀

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We will recap everything that happened until now.


So, Y/N and Kyung are best friends.
Who are both crushing on Mitsuya after the boy helped them in a bad situation.

They also have other 2 friends.
Akina and Amaya who are sisters.

Amaya was a gossip girl and knew alot of people.
She loves knowing about other's informations.

But Kyung and Y/N, who are the probably one of her closest friends, she doesn't seem to know alot.

Kyung only allows her to know little stuff, while Y/N just lives his life peacefully without mentioning his past.

With that, Amaya gave up on finding about Kyung and Y/N's life for a long time.


Kyung changed her attitude alot after letting her friends know about her crush.
She wants Mitsuya only for herself.
It even took to the point of bullying other people who had crush on Mitsuya.

The girl always wants to be better than anyone, that's why she kept Y/N always down.

Because she thinks that Y/N is liked my alot of people and didn't want her "spotlight" gone.


Y/N has personality changes when it comes to Mitsuya or Kyung.

He was used by Kyung for a long time, never noticed that he was being used as a little doll before the break down of their friendship.

Y/N is very confident that he has high chances with Mitsuya, since the two became friends and the fact that Kyung fails to get closer to Mitsuya.

Y/N also had a really bad past.
His parents were totally crazy.

He lived all those years with the trauma. But learned to deal, ignore and try living with it.

Now about Carla.

Carla is lesbian and she fell in love with Akina.
She saw Akina with Kyung sometimes and loved the girl's personality.

When Amaya, who is Akina's sister, called her(Carla and Amaya met each other before but never got to know each other better) she saw an opportunity.

She would give Kyung's informations and in exchange, she could get closer to Akina.

Akina is also a lesbian, she was in love with Kyung. But fell out of love after Kyung shows her bad side.



Tbh, I do forget my own stories' plot a lot.
Cuz I don't update so quick.

And it makes me forget about the details that I wanted to add.

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