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Sorry for any typo!

The next day, Y/N and Mitsuya decided to have a morning walk together, it was Christmas morning and Y/N already handed the gift to Mitsuya.

The other boy loved it and wore it to their little walk.

Y/N was having the time of his life, finally being with Mitsuya.
Every second that passed with him being Mitsuya's lover made the boy smile.

Mitsuya was also very happy, he first didn't think that Y/N had feelings for him, but the moment Y/N confessed, something snapped in him.

All those times spent with Y/N weren't wasted, the memories came back to Mitsuya and made him think how hard was for him to not see Y/N often.
He was already used to Y/N's presence in his life too.

Mitsuya had a hard time figuring out his feelings, trying to figure out if he was in love with Y/N or just being a good friend for thinking about him.

As the two walked through the streets covered in thin layers of snow, Kyung looked at the two from afar with indignation and discontent.

She recognized that piece of clothing that Mitsuya wore.
She shifted her gaze to Y/N who was aware that she was stalking them.

The girl was more surprised to see Y/N look back and meet eyes with her, with an annoying smile.

"You said you were going to give that to your crush...what the fuck does this mean!?" Kyung almost punched the wall with all the rage.

'No point in hiding anymore, she was going to find out anyway' Y/N thought and stopped walking. Mitsuya adapted to the sudden change of Y/N and asked why he stopped.

"What's the matter" Mitsuya softly smiled.

"I want a kiss" Y/N said in a teasing tone and smiling eyes.

Mitsuya gave a smile of resignation and didn't ask more, he just held Y/N's chin and gave a peck on the boy's lips.

"I said a kiss!" Y/N held onto Mitsuya's shoulders.

Kyung couldn't see it anymore, with all her might, she walked closer to Y/N.

"Oh, hi Kyung! Why are you here? Shouldn't you be hiding?" Y/N smiled at her, with the fakest expression.

"Hiding?" Mitsuya asked.
He was still unaware of what Kyung did.

"I will tell you later" Y/N said to Mitsuya, still holding onto his shoulders.

"By the way, how are you Ky-" Mitsuya was cut off, he got surprised.

Kyung slapped Y/N across the face, her eyes widened with madness and ready to deliver another slap in the boy's face.

"What the fuck are you doing!?" Mitsuya stopped her by grabbing the girl's wrist.

Kyung got a scared face when she saw Mitsuya angry, but she didn't care after seeing Y/N hug Mitsuya.

"How! how dare you! You betrayed me! my loyalty! you fake bitch! I should have killed you sooner!" Kyung pulled Y/N out of Mitsuya's arms, trying to scratch the boy's face.

Mitsuya kicked Kyung away and held Y/N. Not believing what was happening.

Y/N spoke the boy's name between cries, Mitsuya looked angrily into Kyung's eyes.

"Leave us alone!" Mitsuya started to get violent, but he would never hit a girl.
"I will call the police if you assault him again"

With that, Kyung finally realized. She was cornered and lost.

She was without friends, Carla and the Haitani brothers lost contact with her and not to mention Amaya and Akina.
She has ruined her life by committing crimes.

Her best friend had taken her loved one behind her back and she was being pursued by the law.

"I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you..." Kyung backed up as she whispered those words until she started to run in another direction.

"You are ok?" Mitsuya looked at Y/N who he thought was crying, but Y/N looked back with a smile on his face.

"That was unexpected, it almost scared me, you know?" Y/N turns forward and starts walking.

Mitsuya thought that Y/N was a more delicate and sensitive, but he remembered that this boy still has his head up  even though the things he went through.

'I underestimated you...' Mitsuya smiled and followed him.
"By the way, you said you were going to tell me something"

"Ah,It's just the fact that Kyung is a murderer..." Y/N said calmly.

"Elaborate?" Mitsuya listens carefully.

Y/N looked at him with a happy face, he told him everything about Kyung's obsession to the point of killing people.

He continues to tell about everything, changing some details so that he won't be seen badly by Mitsuya and make Kyung an unforgivable monster.

"She is terrible" Mitsuya sighed.
"Well, let's distract a little, shall we buy something to eat?"

"Sure" Y/N smiled.

They went to buy some snacks, Y/N was smiling victorious and Mitsuya was smiling happily.

Time passed, Y/N decides to go home, Mitsuya accompanied the boy and before leaving he invited Y/N to spend the night at his house.

Y/N clearly accepted, upon entering the house, Y/N saw his brother on the couch as usual.

"Get ready, we are going to Mitsuya's house" Y/N said.

"I am not going" Kisaki said uninterested.

Y/N was silent, continued to pick some things up and pretended as if he had never heard that.

With a little wait, Kisaki gave up and followed his older brother out.

The night was calming, Y/N felt like his goals were all met.

But Kyung...
She was still desperate for her non-existent victory, devastated by the reality she was handed, the girl was crying and screaming in rage, in the shadows because she was still afraid of being seen by people.

By calming and wiping away her tears, in order for her to get Mitsuya single, she had to get rid of Y/N.

'I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you...' She repeated, the tears falling again.

She always thought she was winning, but the truth was obvious, she had no advances or game in the situation while Y/N moved forward and worked for the award.

For The next morning, Kyung decides to give Y/N a note to meet.
Lying about wanting to talk things out and not be in a situation like that.


Hope you liked it!
Sorry for any typo!

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