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After days, Christmas was fast approaching, Amaya is still in the hospital recovering from her wounds, luckily she didn't die from excessive blood loss.

Akina was cooperating with the authorities to find Kyung. While Y/N didn't care in the least.

Y/N tried to feel guilty, but he couldn't, so he moved on.



It was Christmas Eve.
Everyone was anxious for different reasons, but Y/N was so stressed.

He wants to see Mitsuya as soon as possible.
Y/N was cut off from all contacts with Amaya and Akina, he would have felt sad about it, but that wasn't the case.

Every day, Y/N waited for a message from Mitsuya, he waited from morning until late afternoon.

"I'll call him" Y/N decided.

He didn't wait for much, and Mitsuya didn't answer.
An immense pain penetrated Y/N's heart. Slowly, that pain increased and turned to anger.

Y/N threw his phone at the wall and it broke, kicking the bed and the closet trying to calm himself down. He only stopped after he saw his fist bleeding.

The boy left his room to go to the kitchen and heard someone knocking on the door.

"Kisaki, open the door" Y/N said.

But his brother wasn't home, he had left without warning.
"Unfortunate... You didn't learn anything last time" Y/N was thinking about calling for Hanma and ask where Kisaki was, but remembered that the phone had broken.

The pounding on the door was more violent.

Y/N quickly went to open the door and was faced with police.

"We wanted to ask soem questions about your friend's case" The policeman spoke.
"You're her best friend, right?"

Y/N smiled  and let the cops in. 
"Let's see what you have to ask"

An hour passed, and in that time, the cops didn't accomplish much. Y/N told them everything about Kyung, when they asked about Y/N, he gave them the smallest details of himself.

The authorities left, disappointed at not getting new information and thanked Y/N for his cooperation.

To distract himself a little, Y/N stayed at the window watching people pass by, until he decided to visit Mitsuya.

The boy quickly takes Mitsuya's gift and the house keys, leaving the house and running to Mitsuya's house.

Upon arriving, the house lights were on and Y/N expected to see Mitsuya.
But when he opened the door, Mitsuya's younger sisters told him that he left home early.

Y/N after knowing where Mitsuya went, ran to try to find him.
The sky was rapidly darkening, Y/N arrived at the scene without any sign of Mitsuya.

Y/N was sitting in front of a church. after much waiting, Y/N gave up.
The sky, as if displeased with Y/N's withdrawal, began to snow.

Y/N stopped in front of a small market, avoiding the snow.
'I should have brought more clothes' He thought as he shivered with cold. 
'I just wanted to see you'

Y/N sighed and sat on a bench next to him, looking into the small market, he saw a clock that was near the cashier machine.
It was already midnight.

Y/N looks ahead again, snow was beginning to cover the ground.
The cozy silence, the Christmas lights that illuminated the empty place. No one was seen, except Y/N sitting on that bench alone.

Psycho// Mitsuya Takashi X Male Y/N//TRWhere stories live. Discover now