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It's been weeks, Mitsuya hasn't called yet.
Y/N starts to get pissed off every second.

He didn't want to be so clingy around him when he told Y/N that he was busy.
But the boy felt more and more crazy without Mitsuya around. He was finally feeling like a real madman.

He didn't know how to describe what he felt without saying it was just missing him.

Someone you could always get the attention you wanted when you were around them, one day announce that can't be by your side for so long.

The sadness and anger mixed in Y/N, he just wanted to spend every day with Mitsuya and without anyone getting in the way. The lack of the other half pierced his heart every hour and second that passed.

Y/N also thought about crying for the lack of Mitsuya's presence by his side, he even felt crazy for having little control over his emotions when Mitsuya wasn't around.

Kisaki looked at his brother worried when he cared the minimum. Tried to ask something, but Y/N's frustration just told everyone to back off.

Y/N looked at the gift he had prepared for Mitsuya, it was well kept in it's corner waiting for the day to be delivered. Y/N's friends tried to contact him to go out and hang around, but Y/N wouldn't answer, he didn't care about anyone when the person he cared about the most wasn't on his radar.

At the moment, Y/N was locked in the room, he would punch anyone who pissed him off.

"Someone is here to see you" Kisaki knocked on the door.

Y/N quickly gets up and wished that it was Mitsuya, but when he opens the door, he was disappointed.

"Y/N...you're unrecognizable..." The brown haired girl spoke.

It was Akina, she had let her hair go back to its natural color.

"Who are you" Y/N puts on a disgusted face and asks.

To be honest, Akina really changed a lot. It had been a long time since they spoke.

"You don't look like a gyaru anymore" Y/N commented after realizing who the girl was after the silence.

"Yeah...I thought and didn't really think about keeping going with this sub-culture...it was just a young people's decision in my part I guess hahaha...." Akina laughed uncomfortably.

Y/N wasn't very patient and wanted to know what she wanted.
But still smiled, Akina could tell it was a forced one.
"Speak your mind, I don't want to waste my time with other people."

"I..." Akina took her time to speak.
"Please stay away from me and Amaya...for the rest of our lives"


"Amaya came home crying after I asked her what happened...why did you treat her that way? What wrong did my sister do to you?" Akina looked at Y/N like any stranger who got into a fight.
"I can't see you despising her friendship, her effort and using her for your own selfish thoughts. She's suffering to make you happy and keep you around know?"

"I..." Y/N spoke, Akina was expecting a apology or a guilty expression from the boy.
"Couldn't care less"

It was the first time Akina experienced this Y/N.
"Excuse you?"

"I think your sister was right, I really am a psychopath compared to certain people" Y/N smiles.
"It seems like it's inherited"


"It means I'm having a lot of fun with your sister and Kyung's situation." The boy said without hesitation.
"Watching people suffer like this"

"Just stay away from us! We dont want anything more related to you and Kyung" Akina set the boundaries.

The girl turns around and left the house without turning back.

"Funny" Y/N said and went back to his room.

When he jumps to the bed, he got a notification from Mitsuya.
The boy immediately forgot everything that happened until now and focused on his phone.

"shall we meet on christmas morning? I'm preparing some things for a new design project, sorry for bring so off" Mitsuya had texted and Y/N quickly agreed.

'Better than nothing, better than nothing, better than nothing, better than nothing...' Y/N kept repeating that in his head.

His small laugh turned into a big laugh.
Thinking of everything that has happened so far, from Kyung's change to his change, has he been influenced?

No, Y/N knew perfectly well that he himself was a problem, he was always like that, he just never discovered that side of him before. And he accepted who he was now.

Nothing matter more than Mitsuya now.
His eyes one Mitsuya.
His heart for Mitsuya.
Everything he had or he did, was for Mitsuya.

He took the phone and searched for Amaya's number.

"Hello?"  Amaya spoke.

"If you let anything slide out of your mouth, you're going to be dead." Y/N hang up.

Amaya had a breakdown again, she was so scared of calling the police, Akina was willing to do it for her, but seeing the state of her sister, she decided to not make it worst.

"He can't hurt you" Akina used to say to Amaya when she told everything.

"He won't, but she will...she will...she will" Amaya refers to Kyung.

Right now, Amaya was sitting in the corner of the room, waiting for Akina to come back from Y/N's house.
After a little wait, someone knocked the door.

"Hold on a second!" Amaya said when the knocks were louder.

She opens the door and saw the black haired girl. Holding a knife, staring at her with such an anger.

Amaya reacted fast and tries to shut the door close.
But Kyung was able to get inside before Amaya doing anymore.

'No way...I need to call the cops! ...But Y/N will...' Amaya gave up on thinking what Y/N would do, she will be dead too if she doesn't call the cops.

"I am finally, getting rid of you" Kyung ran for Amaya.

Amaya took her phone and starts to run upstairs, trying to lock herself in the bedroom.

The moment she gets near the stairs, Kyung grabs the girl by the collar and pulls her down the stairs.

Amaya's head hits the edge of thr stair and starts bleeding from her forehead.

Feeling the blood running down of her forehead to her nose, made the girl nauseous.
She was about to faint any moment.

The moment Amaya closes her eyes, Kyung stabs Amaya's shoulder and then her back.

Kyung felt chills and looks around, she decides to leave.

Amaya's body was right in front of the stairs which were facing the door.

Minuts later, Kyung already left, Akina finally came back and was devastated by how miserable her sister was.

With tears and fear, she quickly called an ambulance.

Y/N came to know about it, but wasn't dragged to the issue since Akina wasn't willing to see him.

"I don't have control over Kyung" Is what Y/N said after Akina confirmed the suspect.
"Aw, I wanted Kyung to be undercover...ruined the game"

Now, everyone knew who was the person behind all the murders lately.
Kyung was being wanted, she is hiding somewhere.
But still with her delusional mind, stalking Mitsuya was a must for her.


Hope you liked it!
Sorry for any typo!

Psycho// Mitsuya Takashi X Male Y/N//TRWhere stories live. Discover now