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Sorry for any typo!

Y/N invited Mitsuya to enter his house. Amaya also stayed at his house for some time, she was still afraid to leave, because Kyung was waiting for her to leave.

"Akina, I'm going to spend the night at Y/N's house..." Amaya called her sister, but didn't say anything about what happened.

"Oh, that's fine" Akina replied. 

"See you"Carla spoke in the end when Amaya was about to hang up.

Amaya just smiled and hung up, her hands were still shaking from what happened.

Y/N was talking to Mitsuya, completely ignoring Amaya. The sky was slowly darkening. 

"Amaya, join us" Mitsuya said and the girl sat down next to him.

Y/N had his eyes focused on Mitsuya, the other boy couldn't even try to ignore.
For the first time, Mitsuya felt a little uncomfortable around Y/N.

Amaya had her eyes fluttering and her hands shaking slightly, this was noticed by Y/N and Mitsuya.

Y/N sighed and went to find a blanket for the girl, he felt a little guilty for the situation Amaya was in, because he made the girl go through the same thing he had gone through, only in different contexts.

When returning, Y/N stood there looking at Amaya covered by Mitsuya's coat.
A great feeling of envy hit Y/N, he bit his tongue and gripped the blanket tighter.

With a fake smile, he reached behind Amaya and placed the blanket over her.

"Thank you..." Amaya said lightly.
The girl couldn't cooperate with the way Y/N was acting, moments before, he was still being selfish for his own desires and now he was being friendly...

She took a deep breath after remembering that Mitsuya was around, of course he would show himself friendly in front of the person he likes.

'Maybe...Mitsuya is the reason Y/N let me spend the night here, otherwise Y/N would probably throw me out of his house...probably...' The girl thought.

"Is something bothering you?" Mitsuya put his hand on Amaya's shoulder, it made the girl relax slightly.

No wonder so many people have a crush on Mitsuya, the boy's presence is enough to make anyone happy.

Amaya was smiling unconsciously, but accidentally exchanged glances with Y/N who looked at her in an alerted way.

"No, I'm fine... just a little cold" Amaya looked down.

"Mitsuya! have you been free lately? would you like to hangout sometime?" Y/N changed topics and turned Mitsuya's attention to him.

"Ah...Sorry Y/N, I'm a little busy with some stuff that are happening..." Mitsuya looked tired just remembering some things that happened in the gang.

"Sure" Y/N stopped smiling.

"Christmas is coming, I'll give you a present, try to save some time for me ok?" The boy noticed the change in his mood and smiled again.

"I will" Mitsuya squeezes Y/N's cheeks.
"It's getting dark, I should go"

"Of course" Y/N stood up.

The boy looked directly at Amaya, indicating for her to return Mitsuya's coat. She quickly removed her coat and handed it to the owner.

"See you later Y/N" Mitsuya said before opening the front door.
"You too Amaya"

"Bye bye" Y/N wave at him.

"Goodbye" Amaya said in a lower tone.

The other boy left and went to his house.
Amaya stood there and slowly looks at YN.

"You're sleeping on the couch" Y/N said.

"We're you...jealous?" Amaya asked.

"Was it obvious? "Y/N raised an eyebrow.

"I-it wasn't my fault! And I don't like him! I swear!" Amaya said it, with a obvious scared face.

"It's not like you have chances with him, I don't care" Y/N smiled, he was lying.


"I am only bothered with people who have chances with him" Y/N said dropping the smile and went to prepare the couch for Amaya to sleep.

"Like who?..." She asked curiously.

"No one" Y/N chuckled

"You think no one has a chance with Mitsuya?" Amaya frowns, thinking what kind of thoughts were on Y/N's head.

"Yeah, not me of course" He smirks.
"But Kyung is being such a stereotypical Yandere, she might even try to kidnapp Mitsuya...as if she could"

"But what if"

"If it happens, I will protect Mitsuya with my whole life" Y/N said.

"Don't say these stuff, you will get karma..." Amaya tried to smile.

"Hahahaah, you really think Kyung CAN kidnapp Mitsuya? That bitch can't even be near him without running away" Y/N laughed.

"...how are you doing? With Mitsuya" She continues to ask.

"I am planning on confessing to Mitsuya soon, Christmas is coming" Y/N said firmly.
"You can sleep now"

"Thank you" Amaya said looking at the comfy looking couch.

She had mixed emotions because of Y/N.
One part scared to death if she faces the other personality of Y/N.
Other part who is touched by this small kind action of Y/N.
At the morning, Amaya left Y/N's house, a little paranoid. Afraid if anyone was looking at her.

The rest of the day was Y/N trying to contact Mitsuya.
Trying to set a time to hangout.

But Mitsuya was not cooperating in this.
Or Y/N couldn't reach him, or he was busy.

This went like this for a while until almost Christmas.

Y/N Was pissed off by the fact he couldn't see Mitsuya.

Y/N was walking down the streets and saw Mitsuya walking with a girl.
He hid somewhere and saw the two of them saying goodbye when the girl turned to the other side of the street.

'Who is this bitch...' Y/N felt his face heat up with anger.
He felt angry because the girl was really beautiful, he was afraid that Mitsuya might be interested in her...

'Is that why he's been unreachable?...no! no one will steal him from me!' Y/N was agitated, he felt his heart beating rapidly with bloodlust.

Something diverted Y/N's emotions, Mitsuya pulled out a box from his pocket. It was a small box, Y/N was pretty sure it was a present for that girl.

'Why the sigh?...Why the sigh Mitsuya?' Y/N was almost digging her nails into his skin because of the anger he felt watching Mitsuya sighing.
'Are you sad because you couldn't give it to her?'

When Mitsuya was no longer within Y/N's eye range, he finally came out of hiding and looked in the direction the girl walked.

Then, he saw Kyung going in that direction.

"Why get my own hands dirty" Y/N smiled as he remembered that Kyung stalked Mitsuya every day, she could get rid of the obstacles for him.

Moments later, Y/N received a notification from Mitsuya:
"Sorry for all the inconvenience Y/N, I will call you when I can"

"You better call" Y/N sent a reply.


Hope you liked it!
Sorry for any typo!

Psycho// Mitsuya Takashi X Male Y/N//TRWhere stories live. Discover now