022 - Land of China

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The battle for Shanghai City has ended. The Shanghai Defense Force has succeeded in annihilating the warlords and taking over their strongholds. The warlords that had targeted Shanghai City were literally eliminated and the threat was gone. The question was, who would be responsible for this incident?

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South China

A further tragedy struck South China, which lost its strongest armored troops in a war started by a semi-independent military clique, albeit a subordinate one. This is war responsibility. After the demise of the warlords, South China was confronted with a war reparation claim jointly signed by five countries: Japan, the United States, Britain, France, and Italy. Overwhelmed by the exorbitant amount of money, South China turned to Germany, a friendly country, but since Germany was not at the center of the international stage, it could not be of much help.

The negotiations for reparations lasted for six months. In the end, South China decided to negotiate with the superpowers, saying that they would fight to the last man if the powers continued to make exorbitant demands. The powers that disliked the uneconomic situation of war broke the agreement. In the end, South China agreed to pay compensation for war expenses as a consolation payment for the dead. In addition, five countries are granted privileged trade rights for 10 years. This was in effect a loss of tariff rights and also granted various other rights to each country individually.

For Japan, it was officially recognized that Okinawa is Japan's own territory and that Taiwan is an independent country and a member of the Japanese Federation. The United States was granted exclusive status in Manchuria for 99 years. For Britain, Hong Kong was ceded rather than leased. For France, the Guangzhou lease was ceded. To Italy, the port city near Shanghai was leased for 99 years. And Shanghai became a free city, independent of South China's control.

It was a crushing blow. And with this defeat, South China's political authority was in danger of being lost. In a panic, South China decided to put all the blame for the war on the Chinese Communist Party. They say it was a conspiracy by the CCP, but did not find any evidence of this. The main reason was that the only convenient party to put the blame on was the CCP. *1 The evidence was faked and they responded. They lambasted the CCP extensively. As a result, the relationship between South China and the CCP, which was bad to begin with, deteriorated drastically.

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Chinese Communist Party

The CCP succeeded in damaging the national power of South China, but as a result, South China became the enemy of the CCP. As a result, they moved from South China's territory to North China's side. The escape, being attacked by South China's forces, was a great defeat that greatly reduced the strength of the CCP's forces, but in order to cover it up, the CCP decided to call it the Long March, an ordeal for a new birth.

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Frontier Republic

Since the loss of control by North China, the Frontier Republic has been transformed into a land of chaos where warlords, Chinese Communists, bandits, and others have mixed together. It was the Jews and the Americans who settled in Manchuria who felt threatened the most. It was not only difficult for them to do business, but they had to do their best to protect themselves from attacks. America's assets were in jeopardy.

It has been more than five years since they purchased the concession from Japan, and there has been a huge amount of public and private investment in the area. The fact that it was in jeopardy was a situation that the US could not ignore. At the same time, it was the same for the Jews. They could not afford to lose the safe haven they had finally found, a place where they could work freely without being legally discriminated against. *2

The US and the Jews conspired and decided to make Manchuria independent. The Hawaii method was adopted as the means to achieve this. At the same time, the US took the suggestion from the US Forces Japan (Republic of Guam) and laid the groundwork for the three countries that often took joint steps in China. Japan, Britain, and France agreed to recognize the new state (Frontier Republic) to be established in Manchuria, as long as their own people and interests were not excluded.

The uprising was carried out by American settlers, who fought off a Chinese bandit raid on their plantation and shouted for equality and peace for the people of Manchuria, based on Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. *3 The American troops stationed in Kwantung responded to this. The US President declared that the US military, which defends justice, will not ignore the cries of humanity. At the League of Nations, Japan, Britain, and France declared their support for this American action.

South China was outraged by this. They impeached the US and other powers for their unacceptable colonial imperialism. However, there was little they could do to appeal to the international community since they were no longer eligible to participate in the League of Nations. This made them even more furious. The G4 is going to rule the world. However, because of the American press coverage of the chaos in North China, the American actions were positively evaluated as bringing order to the chaotic land of China. It was about a month after the US military intervened in Manchuria that the war was over and security was restored.

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Soviet Union

The Soviet Union was horrified by the US's deft carving of Manchuria, as Japanese and American companies were already conducting economic activities in various parts of Siberia, especially in Primorsky Krai. The Soviet Union had already mobilized secret police and other forces to prevent the outflow of farmers from the cold villages that had been squeezed to provide the necessary resources for the Five-Year Plan, but now it was time to take further preventive measures. In addition, the government will strengthen its support for the CCP in order to exploit the hinterland of Japan and the United States.



*1: The main enemy of South China is North China, which had completely collapsed as a nation and organization since its head was bombed to death. If such an opponent claims to be the mastermind of the incident, South China will be taken advantage of by an opponent that is not a nation, and its face as a nation will be lost. Therefore, there was no one but the CCP to impose on them. Although there was no solid evidence, the CCP was desperately propagated as evil through propaganda and information operations.

*2: Refugees of Russian descent were also in agreement with this sentiment, as they did not want to lose their safe, law-abiding land. At the same time, the influx of Chinese from other parts of the world into prosperous Manchuria was becoming a problem. The Chinese who came to Manchuria due to economic problems were unfamiliar with both English and Japanese, the de facto lingua franca for economic success in Manchuria, and thus tended to have low incomes. As a result, many of them became involved in illegal and violent activities in order to get ahead, and the expansion of the Chinese population was seen as a problem that contributed to the deterioration of public safety. In other words, Manchuria was no longer just for the Chinese.

*3: Americans, Jews, Russians, Japanese, and Chinese (Manchurians) in this land. The declaration concluded that all other peoples should be able to prosper equally. From this conclusion, the declaration was called the Declaration of the Shared Prosperity of the Six Nations. The sixth ethnic group is supposed to include all ethnic groups except the five.

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