064 - Manchurian Incident - 3

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While the United States had no issues at sea, problems piled up on land. China, due to the introduction of new equipment from Germany, had withdrawn from negotiations concerning the resolution of the Manchurian Incident. The growing issue was that public opinion in China was increasingly unified in the belief that the barbarians should be expelled. Although the current Chinese government was a military dictatorship, essentially ruled by warlords, it was sensitive to public opinion. For China, making concessions to the United States in this situation could potentially lead to political suicide.

On the other hand, public opinion in the United States towards China was hardening. The reason for this was the occurrence of numerous incidents in China where Americans were brutally killed. A movement to exclude Chinese immigrants in America had begun. Unexpectedly, the Japanese (Nikkei) who had immigrated to America before the arrival of a Japan from the future were affected by the aftermath of these events. To hot-blooded Americans, they seemed similar as they were both considered yellow races. This racial issue would create significant problems between Japan and the United States. *1

As a result, the Japanese government decided to focus more on pro-Japanese information campaigns within the United States. This included purchasing Hollywood film companies, creating and broadcasting new anime for the American market, and publishing manga. This effort gained momentum to the extent that some individuals from the Republic of Guam (USFJ) suspected cultural invasion *2 and left written accounts expressing such concerns. However, in reality, Japan's cultural expansion, which had begun in the late 1920s, gradually took root in America.

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United States/Frontier Republic

The US understood the anti-American sentiment within China without misunderstanding. As a result, they took the initiative to officially restrict the influx of Chinese people into the Frontier Republic. Furthermore, they also decided to expel Chinese individuals who had not been employed in a stable job for a certain period of time from the Frontier Republic. This hurt the pride of the Chinese people and led to riots within the Frontier Republic.

However, compared to Chinese territories like Shanghai, where military weapons were hardly circulated, the threat within the Frontier Republic was not significant. Nevertheless, the US instructed the Frontier Republic government to forcefully suppress the riots with military power. The instruction aimed to eliminate the Chinese population from the Frontier Republic. One reason for this was that, despite being a labor force, Chinese people had lower levels of education compared to immigrants from Europe and America, which resulted in their lower priority as a labor force.

Another reason was the reality that the expelled Chinese people, who couldn't find stable employment, formed gangs, engaged in robbery, and were involved in prostitution and illegal drug trading. The US had no intention of turning the land of the Frontier, which it had been investing in since the 1920s (the promised land), into a land of corruption and bribery.

However, this did not mean they aimed to eradicate all Chinese people. For law-abiding Chinese individuals of good character, they were given the opportunity to naturalize in the Frontier Republic, allowing them to stay if they showed loyalty to the Frontier Republic and adhered to the rule of law. As a result, a harsh war to maintain public order erupted in the Frontier Republic. *3

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In response to the anti-Chinese movements in mainland America and the Frontier Republic, the Chinese government decided to appeal to the international community, denouncing these actions as inhumane. However, while the exclusionary movements in America were concerning, those taking place in the Frontier Republic were more about eliminating troublemakers and demanding assimilation, making it somewhat difficult to label them as inhumane. Even Germany, a friend of China, showed a passive attitude in the League of Nations when addressing the issue. *4

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