A.D.1940 - 065 - Manchurian Incident - 4

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As the tensions escalated in the eastern part of Eurasia, the United States government, while feeling a sense of discomfort, proceeded with preparations for its response. The intention was to restore peace and tranquility to the Promised Land (Frontier Republic) and deliver a decisive blow to China. For the United States, China held potential as a market due to its population, but at the same time, negative sentiments arose from the repeated riots caused by Chinese people in the Frontier Republic. This was also due to the rough treatment of individuals who entered the country for the purpose of doing business with China. Therefore, the planned military operations in the future focused primarily on defending the Frontier Republic, with no intention whatsoever of launching an attack on mainland China.

The invading Chinese forces would be repelled one by one, and the national strength would be undermined through strategic bombing by the air force. Additionally, there would be a blockade at sea to prevent the inflow of resources and disrupt trade with foreign countries. Having learned the details of the Sino-Japanese War from the Republic of Guam (USFJ), the United States no longer had any desire to swim in the People's Sea.

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Japanese Federation

The United States, which had prepared for a full-scale conflict with China, turned to Japan for assistance. However, this did not mean that they were seeking Japan's participation in the war. The request was for the sale of military supplies, medical support, and cooperation regarding the rest and recuperation of soldiers. In response to this request, Japan accepted based on the Far East Military Agreement, which was concluded between Japan and the United States for countering the Soviet Union. The acceptance included support for the naval blockade operation against China and the use of Taiwan as a port for the United States Navy.

Furthermore, Japan demanded that the Republic of Guam move towards becoming a special territory of the United States, specifically a Guam Special Autonomous Region. The purpose was to dispatch Guam's military, primarily composed of US Marines. Due to its unique composition, Guam's military held a distinct position within the Japanese Combined Armed Forces, excluding the Self-Defense Forces. Although it consisted of only one division due to its population size, it was the only heavily structured force within the Combined Armed Forces, including an airborne cavalry (helicopter) unit. *1 Therefore, the Japanese Combined Armed Forces' headquarters assigned it the role of a strategic mobile reserve.

The request was for the deployment of the 501st Mechanized Division. The Japanese government accepted it after confirming the judgment of the Guam government. In addition, the Frontier Republic government decided to request participation from the Siberian Republic. This was based on the East Eurasian Security Agreement, which emphasized mutual security guarantees. To protect the vast land of Manchuria, there was no such thing as having too many troops.

In response to this request, the Siberian Republic confirmed with Japan and decided to dispatch one mechanized division (the 702nd Mechanized Division) and two motorized divisions (the 712th Motorized Division and the 714th Motorized Division). The deployment of motorized divisions equipped for defensive tasks was explained as their primary role is the defense of the Frontier Republic's border. Moreover, the Japanese Combined Armed Forces' Siberian General Headquarters opposed the decision to extract and deploy multiple heavily equipped mechanized divisions from the front line against the Soviet Union. The reason for this opposition was that despite the decline in Soviet military activities since the Karelian Peninsula Conflict, they could not afford to be complacent. *2

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Pardes, a Jewish nation and a satellite state of both the Frontier Republic and the Siberian Republic, had been requested by the United States to deploy forces based on the East Eurasian Security Agreement. Pardes accepted the request while understanding that the rise and fall or the preservation of a nation often required bloodshed. However, Pardes had a weak industrial base, and its economic situation was far from favorable. As a result, its military capabilities were not sufficient, lacking not only mechanization but even automation. Therefore, as a condition for their participation, Pardes demanded a significant supply of vehicles, starting with a sufficient quantity of automobiles to operate in the vast land of Manchuria, as well as tanks and armored vehicles.

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