073 - American Imperialism - 1

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Since the establishment of the G4 system, Germany has been a nation that the United States has profited from in its management of East Asia (Frontier Republic). It can be said that Germany is neither more nor less than a minor annoyance for the United States. Regarding France's persistent indignation toward Germany in the G4 liaison committee, the United States merely thought that if France disliked Germany to such an extent, they should just attack and eliminate it already.

Thanks to trade with Japan in East Asian management, the United States could consume its overwhelming productivity. Due to its remarkable economic prosperity, the United States had no need to engage with the old-world countries (Europe). Furthermore, if the economy was flourishing, the same applied to Britain and France. With smooth trading with both countries, there was even less necessity to involve with Germany.

The shift in the wind came with the rapprochement between Germany and China, and the repeated conflicts between China and the Frontier Republic. And Germany's extension of its hand to the Americas, which is the US's backyard, became the decisive factor.

For the United States, Germany is not a threat. However, it was discomforting. American voters or the affluent upper class managing corporations strongly advocated for sanctions against nations that impeded their money-making endeavors. As a democratic nation, the United States began to move, backed by the voice of its citizens.

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Regarding Venezuela

As a starting move, the US urged Venezuela to reconsider its relationship with Germany. However, the Venezuelan government outright rejected this proposal without a second thought. This was a clear manifestation of the dissatisfaction with the United States' long-standing condescending attitude toward Central and South American countries, including Venezuela.

In fact, almost in revenge against the United States, the Venezuelan government announced its intention to initiate negotiations with Germany anew. These negotiations aimed to facilitate the further acquisition of German-made weaponry and the operational techniques for modern tanks through the acceptance of a group of German officers. Moreover, Venezuela was attempting to mediate the relationship between Germany and Colombia.

This move infuriated the United States. They decided to punish Germany for extending its reach into their backyard and to make Venezuela, which had been fostering anti-American sentiment, reflect on its actions. To achieve this, the United States chose to support the anti-military faction in Venezuela and aimed to achieve a regime change through a military coup.

At this point, within the US military, a covert special operations unit (Underground Unit) *1 for clandestine missions had been under formation, proposed by the Republic of Guam (USFJ). They were eagerly anticipating an opportunity for distinction (success). The US government instructed the covert special operations unit to train the operational teams of the anti-military faction in Venezuela. Furthermore, they were ordered to accompany and assist in the operation to contribute to its success.

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Regarding China/Germany

Once, the United States, which found Germany annoying, also harbored animosity towards activities within China. As a result, the United States began to utilize the French who could move relatively freely within China for intelligence gathering. Britain, which shares the same language as the United States, is viewed with suspicion. Mercenaries from Korea, similar in appearance to the Chinese, raise concerns about information gathering, if not their military service. Japan would never actively involve itself with China. Local Chinese individuals are considered untrustworthy.

Therefore, France, which maintains a more neutral position, was chosen as a cooperative partner. In exchange, the United States proposed offering France once again the provision of automobiles/trucks (second-hand vehicles).

In response, France put forth two requests in addition to the requested intelligence operations. Instead of including destructive operations as needed as an option for intelligence work, they asked for (1) assistance in transferring the French troops stationed in Africa, delayed due to transport issues, to French Indochina and (2) provision of the US Philippine territory as a resting place for the deployed units in French Indochina.

The United States readily agreed to these requests, considering them manageable. With one of the world's premier maritime transport capabilities alongside Japan, the American maritime industry could easily handle the transfer of French troops, and offering the US Philippine territory for rest (vacations) posed no issue at all. This allowed France to start acting as a proxy for the United States in China.

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League of Nations

As a means to encircle and restrain the emerging Germany, the United States decided to formally join the League of Nations. Although previously participating as an observer, with formal membership, the United States would become a permanent member of the council. With the addition of the United States as a permanent member, the council underwent restructuring. It consisted of an eight-nation framework: the four permanent members with veto power, plus Italy, Germany, Brazil, and the Soviet Union, representing regional powers.

China vocally asserted that they should be a permanent member as representatives of Asia. However, this claim was dismissed based on the election of the Japanese Federation as a permanent member. Additionally, Germany requested Spain's membership, but this was also dismissed due to inadequate national power to become a member. The League of Nations functioned as a platform for peace and interest coordination among nations, centered around the G4 nations like Japan. There was no room for idealistic notions of equality between nations. Using this point, China intensified its criticism, characterizing the League as a forum (salon) for imperialistic discussions between Japan and Anglo powers.

Upon officially becoming a permanent member, the United States immediately demanded a council session. During the session, the United States criticized Germany's reckless international activities for sowing the seeds of conflict. The United States advocated for monitoring and, if necessary, limiting Germany's international actions. Particularly scrutinized was the indiscriminate sale of weapons. Naturally, Britain and France supported the proposal.

This caught Germany off guard. The permanent members (Japan, Britain, France) and their allies (Italy) sided with the American proposal, while the wavering (Brazil) proved ineffective. The Soviet Union found itself in an awkward position of maintaining a favorable neutrality. However, given that weapon sales were a crucial source of foreign currency income for Germany, they couldn't easily comply. Using arguments centered around national sovereignty and other rhetoric, Germany would confront the United States' assertions.



*1: The designation of this covert unit isn't named explicitly. It is informally referred to as the "Langley Unit" based on the name of the small aircraft carrier provided for its transportation. The reason for having an aircraft carrier is due to the fact that this covert unit is equipped with practical helicopters developed with technical assistance from the USFJ for their mobility purposes.

This unit is the first of its kind to deploy helicopters, outside of Japan. A total of 11 helicopters, a mix of armed and transport types, were deployed. It's significant to note that they were planned for overseas operations as part of their covert missions. In later years, their story would be adapted into a popular TV drama titled "Rush! Special Operations Unit Langley."

*2: The Philippine independence movement was already in its final stages. However, due to persistent anti-American sentiments, the Philippines maintained a certain level of autonomy with limited authority. The Philippine economy prospered due to its extensive trade with Japan, a vast market that purchased almost all of its agricultural produce, effectively acting as a market black hole.

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