Chapter 1-Now or Never

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"Oh, there ain't no rest for the wicked,"
"Money don't grow on trees,"
"I got bills to pay,"
"I got mouths to feed,"
"There ain't nothing in this world for free..."

Luke's POV

(Song-Now or Never-Show version)

The blazing sun beat down on Luke's back, searing his skin with its scorching embrace. Sweat trickled down his temple as he strummed the chords of their song on the borrowed guitar. Behind him, Alex cracked his drumsticks together, counting them in.

"One, two, three!"

"Take off! Last stop! Count down till we blast open the top!" Luke sang. "Face first! Full charge! Electric hammer to the heart!"

The anticipation in the air was palpable, the energy surging in response as the band unleashed their music on the peaked crowd.

Bobby, their temporary rhythm guitarist, had given Luke a heads-up the day before about a potential gig opportunity. A well-known, local band was scheduled to perform at noon in the town square, and if the boys were fortunate enough, they could have a shot at "testing out" the instruments. Luck had damn well been on their side, because Sunset Curve found themselves shredding in front of a bewildered crowd while the other band and their security enjoyed lunch.

The rest of the band joined in, Alex's drumming adding to the bumping energy. "Clocks move faster, 'cause it's all we're after now! Oh."

The crowd before them was by far the biggest they'd ever played for, dozens of townspeople of all ages going feral. A flood of teenage girls had fought their way to the edge of the shaking wooden stage, red faced and screaming, straining towards the musicians. I mean, Luke knew they were collectively pretty hot, but damn. At least it wasn't a bunch of drunkards again; the last group could've listened to a grandma screech and call it good music.

In a flashing moment he closed his eyes, reveling in the intense pride for his band and what they were accomplishing together, however small. They brought their music to life, captivating who Luke would one-hundred percent now call their fans.

Reggie joined him, sharing the mic. "Won't stop climbing, 'cause this is our time, yeah." The other boy's eyes were bright and shining, but despite the beaming sun his pupils were dilated. Adrenaline.

Luke playfully shoved Reggie away, going solo. "When all the days felt black and white those were the best shades of my life!"

Sunset Curve harmonized, and Luke noticed something unusual as he squinted against the glare of the sun. His vision narrowed to see figures approaching at an alarming pace. Though they were still distant on the cobblestone road they were most definitely a cause for concern: the other band's big ass security guards.

Son of a mother fucking bitch. Luke wouldn't survive jail a second time.

He cast a warning glance towards his band mates, who nodded in response. They each played with even more bravado than before. With sweat streaming down his face, the summer heat became insignificant in comparison to the fire that burned within his very soul.

"Don't look down," they harmonized, "'cause we're still rising up right now. And even if we hit the ground!"

"We'll still fly. Keep dreaming like we'll live forever, but live it like it's now or never!"

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