Chapter 22-Marriage?

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"Just a man in his head too afraid to commit,"
"But a little drop of blood helped him not to forget,"
"That he might want to stay for a little while longer,"
"And all these streams down your cheeks,"
"I can see that your inside's dyin' Less time smilin', more time cryin'..."

Luke's POV

"Whatcha doing?"

Luke startled, previously glazed over eyes clearing as he turned from the window to face Julie.

He grinned nervously. Despite himself, part of his subconscious noticed the way she'd just spoken with a tiny bit of slang. Some of their lingo was finally starting to rub off on her fancy inflection.

It wasn't Julie's mere presence that had put him on edge however, even thought it often did kickstart his pulse. Luke had been letting his mind wander with thoughts of the Princess, and he'd soon regretted it when images of her dancing in the club—that tight little dress hugging her frame perfectly—took over his consciousness. He'd been even more horrified when he was unable to stop the daydreams from taking an intense, intimate turn.

So when she sat down next to him he prayed she didn't notice the way he tensed, feeling like he'd just gotten caught red handed while doing something bad. He held tight to the guitar covering his lap, hopingt he looked casual enough. That Julie hadn't suddenly developed a mind reading superpower.

Reggie and Alex had already jumped on him when they'd returned to their room that night, calling him out on everything. From the way he and Julie had danced, to the way they'd sang, to how he'd looked at her, to how he'd looked afterwards.

"I mean there's nothing wrong with a little fire on the stage. You guys practically ooze chemistry." Reggie said, stretching out on his bunk.

"You should never say ooze again," Alex added, then spoke to Luke, "but yeah, I agree. Just, keep it PG. You guys were an inch away from jumping into rated R right there front and center."

"Okay, that's—" Luke shook his head, "I have chemistry with everyone I sing with alright? Besides, I could never seriously like a princess."

"Oh god, wait, is that," Reggie squinted at Luke's legs, "is that your pants catching fire?"

"Ha ha."

"Actually that one was pretty good." Alex said. "And I used to be royalty and we're friends."

"Well you're not a princess."

"Who says?" Alex flipped nonexistent hair.

"And I don't like you romantically."

"So you're saying you like Julie romantically."

"No,'s just, chemistry..." Luke ran a hand through his hair, swinging a look on Reggie. "Get up." He hauled his friend out of bed, cutting his eyes at Alex. "Watch."

He began singing, stepping closer and closer to Reggie with each word until the other boy had to lean back a little.

"—on the edge of, great."

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