Chapter 2-When Will I Wake Up?

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"She can barely see the pavement,"
"She can barely read the signs,"
"People think she's complicated,"
"But never wanna look inside,"
"'Cause she's a little too R-rated,"
"And they're a little too damn blind,"
"She's just looking for her angels,"
"But they're a little hard to find..."

Julie's POV

Julie sat frozen at the piano, her fingers resting hesitantly on the beginning keys to the song. After a long, agonizing moment she exhaled, drawing her hands into her lap.


"I'm sorry Mrs. Harrison, I just can't do it."

Her teacher sighed and sat down next to her on the bench. "Julie the only thing stopping you from playing is yourself. I understand how hard it must be, but I know you, and once you just start, the hardest part will be over."

"I know. And I know you've had to tell me a hundred times, but even the thought of playing without her hurts too much."

"I know honey, and I miss Rose just as much." Mrs. Harrison wrapped an arm around Julie, rubbing her shoulder comfortingly. "Trust me, seeing it be so hard for you hurts me too. I would give anything just to hear you sing again, but that'll have to be something you come to on your own terms, not something I can teach you."

Julie watched her as she stood and rounded the piano, stacking sheet music, "that's why I hate this deadline for you having to play at the ball just to stay in the Royal Music Program. Yes, it may be the most elite in the nation, in the continent even, but it should be more understanding of its students. And your aunt Victoria should be more understanding of you and not push you towards the class so much."

Julie gave a half smile, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "My tía can be overbearing, but it's not like she's wrong about me needing to stay in the program. It's the only way to truly pursue music as a princess. And music is my thing."

At least, it used to be before she became such a little bitch.

Mrs. Harrison gave her a sympathetic look, sighing again.

"You know what? Why don't we end this session early? All we're doing is gossiping." She gave Julie a sideways smile.

"But I like when we gossip." Julie collected her things from a table next to her. 

She thanked her teacher again, sliding out of the large wooden door into the broad, red carpeted hallway. The midday sunlight flashed off of the gold trim on the pale walls, right into Julie's eyes. She loved her castle but man was it bright.

Someone made an obnoxious noise to her right, and her vision didn't have to fully clear for her to know that it was Carrie freakin' Wilson.

"So were you supposed to play this time, or...?" Carrie chirped, twirling her perfectly styled hair with her perfectly manicured hands.

Julie simply rolled her eyes and turned away, striding down the hallway. Who had time for such bullshit? Carrie often took lessons with Mrs. Harrison, especially before a ball. King Trevor was old friends with Julie's parents, and Carrie used to be her best friend before Julie's mom passed. The Princess had gotten brattier and brattier the more she hung out with her newfound music group, and now Julie couldn't stand the bitch.

She felt herself relax once she'd put plenty of distance between her and the music room, gazing out of the large arched windows while she strolled. Julie considered going to visit her mom, as she often did when she was troubled, but decided against it when she noticed the heat waves bouncing off the concrete of the garden patio. She pitied whoever had to be out there.

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