Chapter 3-Luke's Plan

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"My heart is like the ocean searching,"
"Searching for the shore, I'm learning,"
"There must be something more than dreaming,"
"Ooh, ooh..."

Luke's POV

(Song-Love Runs Out by OneRepublic-2:40~End)

"Luke! This way!" Alex beckoned to him hurriedly from a side street.

His feet skidded on pebbles as he cut right and dodged gorilla-man, who was already sporting a knarly looking black eye.

The security was more relentless than they'd thought, because as soon as the boys had doubled back a block to go in the direction of their hideout, they were swarmed by pissed off, heavily breathing guards.

Luke rolled past a pair of legs, laughing as two of the guys slammed face first into each other.

He finally spun himself away from the grabbing hands, taking off through the market after Alex. Reggie somewhere behind him, they careened through carts and people, jumping tables, stands, and the occasional child.

The guards definitely had size on their side, but agility they were lacking. Luke ducked and spun and wove, all the while keeping sights of the navigating blond up ahead.

Alex abruptly carved down an alley, springing off a pile of crates to the left. The top one cracked in half as he seized the edge of the stone building, hauling himself onto the roof.

Luke followed what he could of Alex's footsteps, vaulting off the still standing boxes and kicking off the opposite wall. He landed partially on the roof, the edge catching him in the gut.

"That couldn't have been more graceful." Alex satirized, tugging him up by the shirt as Luke wheezed.

Reggie did exactly what Luke did, despite not hitting quite as hard. Lucky bastard. The alley was so narrow that the big security guys had to shimmy down it, but right before they could get Reggie to safety gorilla-man caught his feet.

He wrapped his arms tight around Reggie's waist and dragged him halfway over the stone ledge.

"I'm a minor! I'M A MINOR!" Reggie's wriggled and yelled. The guy, surprised, loosened his grip enough for Alex and Luke to yank the third boy up with them.

Reggie fixed his jeans, indignantly jabbing a finger at the man as he tried and failed to climb up as well. "NO SIR! And jokes on you! I'm eighteen!"

Luke chuckled, clapping a hand on Reggie's shoulder. "Let's go boys."

They whooped with exhilaration and raced across the rooftops of Adonsville. It was the capital city, their home away from home, seeing that they were all runaways.

Breathing hard, Luke paused for a moment to take in the view. It wasn't every day you had the vantage point to see the whole valley, the entire royal grounds, and the beach beyond. He inhaled the salty wind as it whirled around him, cooling the sweat on his skin, lifting his hair off his forehead. His fingers brushed across the flyer in his pocket while he gazed at the castle, a subconscious smirk blooming on his face.

"What plan are you scheming up?" Alex had halted on the edge of the landing to wait for him, Reggie bouncing across the shingles a few roofs away.

He grinned broadly, and Alex's face fell as he realized his joke wasn't all a joke. Luke hopped off his high point as the other boy began to protest, slapping him on the arm. "Come on. Let's get home first."


Luke was last through the narrow door into the boys' bunker-like hideout. He clicked the fragile lock behind him, watching as Reggie threw himself onto the couch. Dust billowed up when he landed, fogging up the shaft of sunlight beaming through the single window. Reggie coughed and waved it away.

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