NOT A CHAPTER!-Upcoming Prompts

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Hey harlots, I don't think I'm going to be able to update this book this week or possibly even the next but I promise I'm working on a lot.

For the mean time here's some upcoming prompts that I have planned, mostly funny, as a little teaser into future chapters. Tell me what you think about them.


Flynn: My girl's got a crush, and his name is Luke.

Julie: What? No, Luke's a thief.

Flynn: A cute thief.

Julie: Sure, and he has a perfect smile, but that doesn't mean I like him.

Flynn: Mhm. Well if you were to ever like him, just remember that he's extremely out of bounds. Like, illegal, out of bounds. You need to stick with your safe crushes that are princes."


Alex: Oh no, uh uh. Luke she is literally out of your league. Don't torture yourself.

Luke: What, can I not look at her?

Alex: Not like that.


Julie: So how was the training?

Alex: Despite all the exercise, the dozens of shirtless guys were a bonus.

Reggie: I wish there were shirtless girls.


*Trying Julie's brownies*

"Oh my god." Luke moaned, stuffing more brownie into his mouth. "OH MY GOD!"

"I've never wanted to make out with a food so much," Reggie said.

"Okay, you just ruined it." Alex said distastefully, setting down the rest of his.


-Some cute Willex is going to start happening. *Awww.*

-Julie and the guys are going to spar, and she kicks their asses, of course.

-Juke is going to sneak out of the castle. *GASP! DUN DUN DUN!*


Reggie: I think you guys need a safe word.

Luke: We don't need a safe word Reggie—

Reggie: I'm thinking...Pineapples? Or peaches? No peaches is better, that's your safe word.

Luke: You'll need a safe word if you don't shut it.

Julie's POV:

Deep shouts echoed not too far away and flashlights beamed through the dark alley, freezing on a rat nibbling on a piece of bread. Julie removed her hands from her repressed smile and grabbed the front of Luke's shirt, pulling him closer to her so he wouldn't be caught in the light. The fact that she'd pulled him too close was quick to stifle her pulse, the mere inches of space bringing warmth to her face. She pressed her hands to her sides hastily so she at least wouldn't have to touch him, but his breath tickling her face and the heat emanating off his body still made her shiver.


Luke: Hey Jules.

Julie: Jules?

Luke: What, are we not allowed to have nicknames?

Julie: No, it's fine, you just surprised me. I don't even know what nickname I'd give you.

Luke: 'hottest guy I know' would work.

Julie: That's not exactly a nickname.

Luke: And you're not exactly denying it.


Reggie: So what base did you get to? First? Second? *Smirks* Fourth?

Luke: Shut up!

Reggie: Ohhh, you're blushing. So home run?

Luke: *Slings his guitar onto his bed and tackles a screaming Reggie.*


-The guys come to see Julie after training one day and she busts out laughing because they're shirtless and covered head to toe in mud.

-Willie invites the guys to Caleb's spicy club, and they very much enjoy themselves. But something's off...


Alex (referring to Reggie with the strippers at Caleb's): He's like a kid on Christmas.

Willie (jokingly): Let's unwrap this one next!


-Juke has a sad and heartfelt moment with Unsaid Emily.

-The guys get let off of their probation and celebrate by partying in the servants quarters.


Reggie (talking to 'Rose'): I know we uh, never knew you but you seem like an awesome lady with killer taste. Especially in husbands, Ray is awesome.

Alex: Yeah your decorating is amazing. Your studio is really uh, unique.

Luke: And your daughter's pretty cool too. *Winks at Julie.*

Reggie: And your husband.

Alex: Okay, Reg, I think she gets it.


-All of the friends sneak out and Luke *cough*
struggles with how Julie's dress looks.

-Finally Freeeeeee

-Willex again.

-Julie has a big birthday dance with several Juke moments. *This is an interesting little relationship you and I have.*


And that's all folks! HAHAHA, no more spoilers for you because they only get better!

Let me know which of these little lines or spoilers was your favorite.

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