Chapter 28-Battle Of The Bands

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"If you dance, I'll dance. And if you don't, I'll dance anyway,"
"Give peace a chance,"
"Let the fear you have fall away,"
"I've got my eye on you,"
"I've got my eye on you..."

Julie's POV

Julie stood a little straighter when her dad approached her and the band, her boys following suit as conversation ceased.

Ray smiled wearily, "you guys ready for your big show?"

They all grinned. The ballroom they'd huddled within the middle of was packed with RMP members, bands bustling on and off the stage for their numbers. Competing should've been nerve wracking, but all she felt standing there with her boys was excitement.

Julie wrapped the King in a side hug as he and Reggie joked. Glancing up at him, she couldn't help but notice how pallid he was, only flushed high on his cheekbones.

"Hey, are you okay?" She leaned away from him to better gauge his appearance. He seemed feverish.

"Hm? Yes, I'm just a bit fatigued from work." He patted the sweat from his brow. "That's actually what I was going to tell you. I'm not feeling the best so Victoria's wanting me to go lay down, and you know your aunt. I hate it honey but I don't think I'll get to see you guys go on."

Julie blinked. "Oh, that's fine dad. Go rest, please." She nearly pushed him away, worried that the longer he was on his feet the worse he was going to get.

"Yeah, we'll put on a killer performance and they'll record it so you can watch it later." Luke offered, the others nodding.

Her dad complied slowly, "okay, yes you're right." He rubbed his temple, "um, good luck."

"Feel better Ray!" Reggie called passingly. The King patted him on the shoulder.

Luke poked her hand a moment later, breaking her out of the daze she'd fallen into. She stopped gnawing at her lip, glancing at him.

"He'll be okay." Calm eyes saw right through her. "Stay focused, don't overthink it."

Alex linked his arm through hers, nudging her shoulder. Julie smiled. She loved her boys.

Unable to help herself, Julie watched as Nick and his band took the stage. Their number was some sort of pop-rock song last she heard. For Battle Of The Bands the music was assigned and usually split up into categories like preppy or risky, among other weird shit.

For instance, JATP had gotten spicy, and Nick had gotten controversial, whatever that meant. By royal standards it could be anything.

(Song-Raise Your Glass by P!nk-Beginning~1:10)

She scoffed, rolling her eyes. This song was controversial now? Probably because it talked about being different and royals hated anyone beneath themselves.

One of the many reasons she loved her band so much.

To her surprise Nick was a good musician, with a decent voice and nice showmanship. Nowhere near as good as Luke, but she'd never admit that to her glowering lead guitarist.

Julie could see the dubious expression he was casting between her and the stage, planted there with crossed arms. Trying not to smile, she continued to cheer Nick on. Just because she'd turned him down didn't mean he wasn't still a friend.

"Aren't they good?" She smirked at Luke with a sideways look, egging him on.

A muscle momentarily feathered in his jaw but he nodded anyways. "Sure. I think they're have a chance." A grin. "Not as good as ours though."

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