Chapter 6-Wake Up

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"It's hard to know, what she would say,"
"But I think she'd,"
"Want you to live like the world's on fire,"
"Want you to love like hearts don't break,"
"Never look down when you walk the wire,"
"Like she made it to 48, still made your birthday cake..."

Julie's POV

Julie shut the door to her dad's office behind her, smiling at the king, who was seated at his desk.

"Morning mija. What's up?"

"Morning." She crossed the room. " know the thieves that were imprisoned a couple nights ago?"

"I've hear of them, yes," he grinned.

Julie rolled her eyes, taking a seat across from him in a plush leather chair.

"Yesterday I went and spoke with them to hear out their side of the story, why they tried to steal, and...I don't think they should be imprisoned."

Ray leaned forward attentively, resting his elbows on the dark polished wood. He twined his fingers together. "Go on."

"Once they calmed down they told me that they'd only resorted to stealing to survive. And yes, talk can be talk but they were genuine and...and passionate. They said that they're really just musicians that can't catch a break, and if you just could've seen how they talked about music...that's why I believe them. Why I think they should get another chance. They were only misguided."

"Well what's your solution then?" Ray leaned back after a moment, his gaze open and intrigued in the morning sunlight.

"Wait, really?"

"Really." He grinned. "Julie I trust you, and furthermore, you're the future queen. You need to learn how to start making decisions that won't always be easy to make. How to choose what's most important. I think this is a good test."

"Oh wow, well thank you." She recovered from her surprise. "I was thinking, to start off, a probation."

He encouraged her to continue.

"They would be on probation for two months, training with the guards and maybe sometimes working with the servants. They'd live in the guard quarters and receive check ins from higher ranking security, the head maids, and their instructors. I don't think they would do anything to get themselves into major trouble though."

Julie stood, reaching for a notebook to write down the rules before she got too carried away.

"After their probation they'd be free to go, but for those two months they would have to train as guards. They also wouldn't be allowed out of the castle grounds, since this is a test of their overall citizenship as well. They would have three strikes and if they made any offenses or broke any rules the third would put them back in the dungeon. This time for a year."

She slid the paper to him. "For now that's all I have, and you can add details, but I think it's clear and solid criteria."

Ray stayed silent for a moment and Julie feared that he wasn't taking to the idea.

"I like it."

"You do?" Her tense shoulders dropped.

"I do. Good job honey. I'll run this by some of my advisors and hopefully we can get those boys out by this afternoon."

"Thank you papa!" She broke her businesslike persona to round the desk and hug him. Ray chuckled, wrapping an arm around her.

"Just promise me that you'll be careful around them." He pulled away. "I know you can handle yourself, and that you believe they're good, but pain isn't always physical. Don't be disappointed if things don't work out."

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