Snap shoot

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Alynna's POV

"Can you add 2 shots of espresso to my coffee."
The customer requested.

"Sure, no problem." I responded.

I gave the customer his buzzer so that if his order is ready we will just buzz him.

We never shouts the customer's name like in other coffee shops because it will give us a lot of trouble. We might write the wrong name.

Another customer came in.
I look up and saw one of Gabriel's family guard.

Their guards are all built like a wall. I can honestly say I'll break some bones if I just accidentally bump into them.

"Hello! What can I get you?" I asked politely.
Allyna be calm. Don't let the guard notice you are nervous. He looks like he is eating children for snacks.

His dark sunglasses covered eyes stare down at me.

"Two iced milk chocolate. Large."

"Of course. Of course." I answered immediately even if we don't really have milk chocolate in our menu.

Fuck that.

We have now.

I don't want to die yet.

I smile at him and said "It's on the house."

I went to my locker and get my stock of Galaxy hot chocolate.

I heated a small amount of water and place 2 tablespoon of the said chocolate powder. I even added sugar, whip cream and milk.

Once I'm sure that everything look smooth and creamy, I added ton of Ice and some water.

I hurried back to the cashier and hand it to the guard.

"Here is your order."

The guard nodded and left the shop.

I sigh in relief. With my nervousness I didn't even think to give him the buzzer. I just let him stand and wait in front of the cashier like an idiot!

How stupid I can be?!

The tip Jar caught my attention and I saw a wad of cash inside which I swear it was not there this morning!

I stare at the Jar and I almost faint. I am certain that bundle of cash is worth 1 grand.

What the hell?

Gabriel's POV

I am inside my lab.

Of course I am. Where do you think I would be?

I am now on a fence on what to do.

Should I detonate this portable grenade that I invented on a whim inside this building or not?  It is as big as a strawberry.

I stare at the wall and wonder if it will hold the explosion.

Should I ask the employees to evacuate first?

I mean it is a cute size hand grenade. It will not destroy a lot of stuffs.

I hope.


Oh well. We'll never know  if we don't try right?

As soon as I decided to do it, the door of the lab opened loudly.

I saw the MIB entered the room with 2 drinks with him.

"Master Gabriel, your drinks is here." He said.

What drinks?

The MIB saw the confused look on my face.

"I didn't order any drinks dude." I replied.

Where is my screwdriver? I pat my pockets to see if I place it there.

"Master Gabriel." The MIB called out again.

I can't find my screwdriver.

I'll just use a hammer instead. I decided.

"She prepared it."

I stops in my track.

My eyes widen in delight.

"Oh my God! Really?!" I exclaimed excitedly.

The MIB nodded.

I run towards him and grab the cup holder he is holding.

I am not sure but I hear the MIB sigh in relief.

Detonating bomb can wait. I need to drink this precious drinks of mine.

I skips out of the lab happily.

I went to my office and sit on my couch.

I open the fridge under my coffee table and brings out my cake.

"Time for snack!" I shouts excitedly.


"Success." I mumble to my earphone.

I can hear the collective sighs of relief from the MIB's on the command centre.

"Okay good. Everyday do that for him."
One of the MIB said on my earpiece.

"Yes. Humankind doesn't even know that their existence is always in danger once Master Gabriel enter his lab."
Anothe MIB said.

I look at the smallest fucking grenade I saw in my life at the center of this room.

Even that grenade is as small as a bead it will create a huge ass explosion if Master Gabriel is the one who made it.

I guarantee it.

I slowly walk out of the lab and carefully close the door.

I don't want to accidentally detonate that thing.

Allyna's POV

"Hey Scabby." I look at my rude coworker.

He is a middle aged man who works here at the same time as me.

He thinks he is older than me for a few years he can do and say what he wants.

"Are you glaring at me Scabby?! Are you offended Scabby?!" He taunts.

"Shut up Patrick! Will you just stop? Do something useful here and don't be a free loader! Leave Allyna alone."  Our manager shouts at Patrick.

Patrick rolls his eyes and walks out of the locker room.

I shook my head and run towards the toilet.

I wash my face repeatedly with cold water to stop my tears.

I look up and saw my reflection in the mirror.

"Why are you crying Allyna? He just said the truth."

A stubborn lone tear fell down from my right eye.

Before I go out of the toilet. I stare again at the scar that runs vertically from my right eyebrow down to my cheeks.


It is a short update. I KNOW.

I'll try to write more. So don't kill me!🙇‍♂️

I am watching tharntype🤣 Just sharing!

I love you all!

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