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Gabriel's POV

I decided to stop procrastinating. Daddy is right. I really need to make a move or else  She will get snatched by other guys.

I mean it will not happen. I won't let them but If anyone attempts operation shoot to kill will commence.

Calm down guys. It's just a name. Nobody's getting killed.


First things first. I need to tell my boss that I am gonna be late today or just report that I am sick.

I look at my dear brother who was currently busy staring at his wife who's oblivious how creepy, stalkery her husband is looking at her.

My poor sister-in-law.

"Grey." I called out.

He ignores me.

"Grey." I called out again.

He's still busy staring at Sunshine.

I look at my both sides and called out Parker and Jamison.

"Parker. Jamison."

They both look at me immediately as soon as I call their name.

"Yups?" Parker cutely answered.

"I think our brother is getting deaf. I called him twice but he did not respond." I told them.

"Maybe he's just ignoring you." Jamison answered.

That's true.

Parker looked at Grey who's by the way still staring at Sunshine.

"Obviously, He is in his own world. Just do something to get his attention." Parker suggested.

I agree with his suggestion.

Under my seat I got my small gun that I develop a few years ago. This is the perfect time to use it.

I sneakily focus the nozzle to Grey's head.

When I am sure that I computed properly the trajectory and Wind factor and those shit I pulled the trigger.

The dart like bullet with suction tip launch successfuly and stick on Grey's forehead. After sticking on Grey's forehead, a small flag at the end of the stick unravel.

Immediately Mommy, Sunshine, Parker, Jamison and I jumped out off our seat and shouts in happiness.

"Goal!" Mommy shouted in delight.

I high five Parker and Jamison.

Sunshine jumps in her place and repeatedly poking Grey's forehead

Dad and Ameera just roll their eyes.

"I told to get his attention but not like this. Still a genius thing to do."

In our excitement we neglect to see that Grey was already out of his seat walking towards me.

So. He is 6'6 monstrosity and little o'l me who is 2 inch shorter than him.

I'm dead.

He suddenly lifts me like I am just light as a feather and proceeds to go outside.

Oh no.

I hope the staff already opened our heated

Without further ado I am airborne.

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