Chained up

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Allyna's POV

I thought I was just dreaming that day. That Gabriel was just joking.


He was serious.

The next day he came back.

He entered the coffee shop as if he owns the whole building.

Gabriel did not even notice all the people staring at him. He went straight to the till where I am standing.

"Goodmorning! Ready for your heart to be captured?" He said as soon as he reached me.

"Wha-at?" I was stunned. Did he really say that?

I look around and saw the people who was staring at Gabriel when he walked in was also in disbelief.

"Don't worry! My brother is a heart doctor. Just in case you become overwhelmed by my charms he can check you anytime."

In what freaking parallel world is this?

Since I am in a state of shock, I just nodded without even realizing the gravity of my simple nod.

Gabriel lean closer to my face and whispered "Be ready sweetheart." Then winked.

He walked out of my work place as if nothing happened.


When I went to work the next day, my manager was standing at the front door which was really odd. She usually stay at the office.

Her eyes lights up when she saw me approaching her.
"Allyna! Hurry up!"

My manager run towards me and grab my hand in a hurry.

When I entered the coffee shop, it was full of flowers.

Like literally even the ceiling has purple wisterias. It looks like a wedding reception for the rich and powerful.

The whole shop smells wonderful.

"What the- is someone pranking us?!" I whispered to my manager.

"Nope. It's from your admirer." She then give me a card.

"These flowers wish they were as beautiful and radiant as you."

Uhm. He clearly need his eyes checked.

I expect to see him at lunch time but he did not come. I am honestly dissapointed.

My shift is finished and I was surprise when one of the Rosen-Hower's guard blocked my way.

"Goodafternoon Madam." He is really imposing with his fitted black suit and dark sunglasses.

"Hello." I answered timidly.

"I am one of the guards of Master Gabriel. We would like to ask permission to accompany and guard you."

"From what?" I answered unsure.

"From everything madam. You are a member of Rosen-Hower family so we need to protect you. Just a heads up. Even if you did not give your consent we will still protect you."

Since when I am a member of the Rosen-Howers?

"I think you are mistaken. I am not a member of that family."

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