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Allyna's POV

Fortunately, Jamison is still alive.
Jamison's even happy after that and in the end Gabriel became jealous and wants to try it as well.

I look around the massive backyard of the Rosen-Howers which can literally house a whole town.

I switch my glance to the ongoing argument of Mr and Mrs. Rosen- Hower. Apparently, Gabriel's mom wants to go inside the human cannon which literally frustrates Mr. Rosen-Hower.

"Gideon! Just once!" Gabriel's mom whines.

"Love! Enough! You can't possibly think that I will allow you to be sent off to the air by that thing!"

Gabriel's mom pouts and stare at her frustrated husband.

At this point I will not be shocked if the blood pressure of Mr. Rosen-Hower is sky high.

Eventually Mrs. Rosen-Hower gave up and sigh.

"Fine. I'll just ask Cara to accompany me for another sky diving."

I am not sure if anyone notice or it's just my imagination but when Mrs. Rosen-Hower said that there is a glint in her eyes and she is smirking at her frustrated husband.

"Oh fuck no!" As soon as Gabriels dad said that, his wife dash away from us.
Once Mr. Rosen-Hower notice that his wife was running away he sigh and brisk walk towards her.

Huh? If he ran, he can reach her easily. Why did he just walk?

"Ignore them."

I was startled when someone from my side said that.

I look to my left and saw Greyson, Gabriel's oldest brother shaking his head.

"They are just flirting. My parents flirt as if they in their teens."

I wonder how they meet. It must be interesting.

I was startled when Gabriel suddenly grab my hand.

I don't even know what expression is displaying on my face. I just know my heart was beating so loudly that I am afraid that Gabriel can hear it.

Gabriel smiles down at me showing his two panty dropping dimples.

His dimples might alone solve a lot of  worlds problem.

"Let's go?!"

He didn't wait for my response. I was immediately whisk away to a black car that can rival a president's car.

"Where are we going?!" I ask with a slight panic.

Don't get me wrong. I  am okay wherever we go. I trust Gabriel.

I am more afraid that I will mess up this moment because Gabriel Rosen-Hower in the freaking flesh is sitting beside me inside a posh car.

Gabriel stare at me with unexplainable emotion in his eyes.

"I am going to bring you home. I apologize that you are brought to our house without any proper consent. I am afraid that your grandma is worried sick looking for you. I apologize again from the inconvinience my brother brought to you."

"No. No. Don't be sorry. I am fully aware that I am going to your house. Jamison did not force me or anything." I explained hurriedly.

Gabriel shakes his head and sigh.
"Don't be fooled by my little brother Allyna. He's basically the assistant of Satan."

I can't believe him. Jamison looks like he can't even hurt a fly.

"Assistant? Then who is the boss?"
I ask curiously.

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