Love Shot

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Allyna's POV

After the date it was a blur.
Gabriel took me back home. He fell asleep so I did not disturb him. His guards god bless them assist me going back to my apartment as if I'll get mugged between the car and front door of the building I lived in.

"You've been smiling since you came home lovey."

I was started when grandma said that.

"I hope I'll meet that person who puts that smile on your face in the near future." Grandma smiles and added.

I smile at Grandma shyly and replied "If everything goes well grandma"

Grandma nodded excitedly.

"Well lovey. Let's call it a night shall we?"
I agreed.

As I am transported to dream world my last thought was I hope Gabriel is happy as I am.

James POV

Gabriel arrived from his date 30 minutes ago. Typical Gabriel, he will rush home and tell us all the things that happened on his date.

When 15 minutes has passed and no Gabriel in sight I went out of the front porch.

The MIB are just standing in front of the car. The MIB bowed when they saw me walking towards them.

"Where is Gabriel?" I ask one of them.

One of the MIB opened the passenger door and I was surprised from what I saw.

My middle child was sitting inside the car staring into space.

I look at the MIB surrounding me questioningly and in confusion.

"What the hell happened?!" I exclaimed while rushing towards where my precious son is seated.

"After Miss Allyna kiss his cheeks he didn't move. Miss Allyna thought he fell asleep so we assist her back to her apartment."

I look at my Gabriel just staring into space. He must be in shock. He got Love shot.

I smile fondly. I brought out my phone and take a picture of this scene. I'll print this picture and place it on our foyer. He's so cute.

"Ok adjust the seats and fold the roof of the car so that I can carry him back to the house."

The MIB adjusted the seats so that I have a wiggle room and the roof of the car was slowly folded to the back. Have you seen a 10 seater car that is convertible?

I am so proud of Jamison. He suggested this feature. I was apprehensive at first but now I love his idea.

I carefully lift and place Gabriel on my back. Imagine me a man in this age lifting my 6 foot 4 son on my back.

The MIB offered to carry him but I refuse. He is my son so he is still my responsibility no matter how old he is.

I decided to bring him straight to his room.

When I am sure that he is comfortably frozen on his bed I went back to the living room.

Luckily, all of them are still in the living room.

Jamison looked at me curiously.
"Guys, we have a situation."

My family immediately paid attention.

"You know Gab went on a date today right?"
All them nodded.

"Well he is back."

"Really?! Oh my gosh I am so excited to hear all the details!"

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