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Gabriel's POV

"There there my son." Mommy repeatedly say while comforting me.

"Handsome." I whine in between my cry.

"Of course. There there my handsome son. The most handsome in this household."

"Of all days why today!" I cried.

I am currently lying on my bed facedown. While my mom was sitting beside me trying to calm me down. Patting my hair softly. I assume daddy is somewhere around my room.

"I told you repeatedly to throw out your tattered clothes honey. We can afford to buy another set baby. Your daddy will not go bankrupt for a few sets of underwear and clothes. Right Gideon?"

Daddy just grunts as a reply.

"Would you care to repeat what you said Gideon?"

"I mean yes love of course. I could buy the whole store if you want." Daddy replied quickly.


"Am I still the focus here guys?"

"Of course love." Mommy reassured me.

"It's over! She'll not gonna want me anymore. I am even planning on how to please her and this happened!"

"Gabriel. Don't worry. We'll resort to MIB if she don't want you." Mommy reassure me.

"Love." There is a warning in daddy's voice .

"It's a joke Gideon!" Mommy replied quickly.

"Sure love." I can hear the doubt on my dad's voice.

"Don't worry Gabby. I'll distract Allyna while you pick up your dignity downstairs. Do you want me to call Blakey?"

"Fuck sake love. No. It's to early to see him. Nope. I am wrong. There is no appropriate time to see him at all."

"I know you miss Blakey, Gideon. For all I know you are calling him every night while I was sleeping."

"I swear Jamison is behind this."

"Yups." Mommy and daddy at the same time answered. They didn't even deny it.

I'll get my revenge.

"So that's decided. This is the plan. I'm gonna distract Allyna while you throw out your clothes that needs to be binned then donate that are still can be used then we'll use Gideon's money to replace everything. Any comment Gideon?!"

"No love." Daddy immediately answered.


Allyna's POV

I am in an awkward situation.

Sunshine is dead staring at me like she is fascinated while Ameera is just giving me small smiles.

Female version of their dad. She's really gorgeous and I feel like she doesn't even care what she look like.

"Hey. I have a dress that will look good on you!" Sunshine suddenly exclaimed.

"Wait! I'll get it. I'll be back in 30 minutes!"

Sunshine dash out of Ameera's room.

Ameera's room.

One word.


Everything is in gold and white and I will assume her chandelier can feed a whole town if they sell it.

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