Yet to Come

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Gabriel's POV

I can't catch a break for fuck sake.

A few days ago, it was my parents who came to Allyna's workplace.
The other day Grey and Sunshine and today it was Parker, Jamison and Ameera.

What the hell?? There's seriously something wrong with my family.

It's like they are all planning against me.

I therefore conclude, I am the only Normal person in this family. My family may disagree with my conclusion but I stand by it.

Feeling so down, I decided to make something to distract me.

I am now staring at this wristwatch on my work table. I've been in the company's lab since this morning. Only coming out for snacks and lunch.

I am still gonna eat on time. I am not THAT sad.

I glance to my right and I saw the MIB's sweating? Huh?

Are they having a heart attack? It would be weird if all three of them are experiencing  heart attack at the same time.

When they notice that I am staring at them they suddenly arrange their posture like they are not looking like in distress a few minutes ago.

I shrug my shoulders and stare at this clock.

How can I implant a small bomb in this clock that even an airport scanner can't detect it?


"It doesn't look good."

I heared my colleague mumble.

I nodded in agreement.

Master Gabriel was still staring at that wristwatch the whole day. I am so scared to know what was playing on his mind.

"He might just be curious how that wristwatch was working."

My colleague and I look at the newly hired MIB incredulously.

"A Curious Master Gabriel is literally deadly. Do you know how many Times master James remodelled the main house and Master Gabriel's lab? It would be 4 times already since January and it's only March!"

The newly recruit can not hide the shock from his face.

"Master James must have work really hard to afford all this."

"You have no Idea." The other one said.

"He's taking apart the watch!" My colleague suddenly panics.

I immediately look back to Master Gabriel and he indeed taking apart the watch.

Fuck. This is not good.

"Should we buy him his chocolate drink?" One of us suggested.

"That would be his 4th Chocolate drink. I don't think you want to handle Master Gabriel high on sugar." I Deadpanned.

Should I call the command centre?

I contemplate my next action.

It could be nothing and we are worrying for no reason but I know Master Gabriel since he was young. That brilliant mind of his is honestly scary. He can make bombs out of  nothing.

In the end I decided to call the command centre.

Humanity seriously should thank us at this point. Unbeknownst to them, we are saving them again from their doom.

Gabriel's POV

"Master Gabriel" I look at the MIB who calls me.


"I can confirm that all your siblings and parents are all in the estate."

I did not get what he was saying at first but when It sinks in, I suddenly drop the screw driver that I am holding and stand up from my seat.

"This is my chance!" I shouts gleefully.

I hurriedly wash my hands and brush my hair using my hands.

I don't need to check my appearance. I have no time for it.

I run towards the lift. I can hear my crocs squeaking.

I am not even surprise when the 3 MIB followed me.

While waiting for the lift one of the older MIB named John ask me "Master. Not to intrude but what are you planning earlier when you are staring at the wristwatch?"

"Oh. I want to implant a bomb that is undetectable." I replied excitedly.

"Fuck sake." I heard someone said but I ignore it. That person who curse must be excited as well on my new Idea.

I brisk walk to the cafe. From afar I can already see her.

A few feet away I stop walking.

The 3 MIB looks at me weirdly.

"I am nervous." I mumble.

John pat my shoulder. "You can do this."

I nodded at him and took a deep breath.

"Let's pray. " in the middle of the road the 4 of us prayed for a successful initial aporoach to allyna.

If you see 4 grown men stand in circle and holding hands doing some kind of shitty ritual? That would be us.

After our brief pray over. I went to the cafe.

Once I open the door, her beauty smacks me straight to my heart.

She looks up and our gaze met.

I don't know what is my expression but hell I think I look like a fool right now. Not an image that I want to portray.

"What's the fucking hold up in the door?" I heard someone complain.

"If you don't shut the fuck up you'll not see the next day. I promise." Is that John?

Anywho. I entered the cafe and go straight to the counter.

Allyna's POV

Shit! He's here!

My Angel is in front of me! Am I dreaming?!

Gabriel looks unreal. His light hazel eyes looks so dreamy and partnered with that sinful face.

I am dead. Please bury my body now. You don't even need to do some religous rites because I've been blessed by Gabriel's presence. That's enough.

"G-" the word was stuck to my throat.

Come on Alynna! Just the word Goodafternoon can't you spit that out?! You've been saying that greeting for years.

Unexpectedly, Gabriel said
"Goodafternoon. Can you  take my order and my heart please?"





So. I wrote this while waiting at the airport.

I know it's short but hopefully the next chapter will be longer.

I love you guys!

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