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-Short update. Only 700 words-

Allyna's POV

It's been a day but I did not hear anything from angel yet.

Is it so hard to dispose a trash this days?

My manager apologise profusely about the incident this morning but I told her that it's not her fault.

My shift is over but no Gabriel in sight, so I just went home.

The guards of Gabriel offered to take me home but I kindly refuse their offer because I need some time to myself.

To process what happened today.

I decided to enter one of the bigger mall around the area.

I am not here to shop. Heck I don't even have the fund to shop. I just want to wander around aimlessly without the threat if being runover by a cab.

I know early on that the scar on my face will never fade. I already accepted it a long time ago.

It sometimes caught me off guard if someone will blatantly point it out to me. On those situation, it will remind me that I am still insecure about it.

It is still fresh on my mind how I got it.

I was 10 at that time. It was my birthday.
My parents are sober so I was really happy but something set my dad off. Next thing I know I was on the floor clutching my face and blood are all over me.

Good thing my eye sight was not affected. After that incident I never saw my parents again.
At that point, Grandma was my sole guardian.

I know my parents are not in Jail and they are both still alive. I just don't know where they are.

While I was walking, something caught my attention in one of the store.

I back up a bit and confirmed what I saw.

It was Parker with a guy? He is taller than Parker and I can say he is handsome even if I can't see his face clearly.

Unexpectedly, Parker turn his head my way and we made eye contact. I can't believe what he did next.

He winks at me and made a "shhh" gesture.


Gabriel's POV

I thought he was tough.
I just wasted my precious babies to him.

On a bright side he helps me with my research. I tried all my protype stuffs to him.

To my dismay. He is still alive.

He is currently in one of the rooms getting put together by our doctors.

I got carried away removing his fingers on his hands and toes but I put everything inside the icebox so that it can still be attached later!

I took a shower and remove all the traces of what happened today.


Daddy was still waiting at the lounge. He was reading the latest edition of Ripley's believe it or not.

"How was it?" Daddy ask seriously.

I grin at him excitedly.

Daddy smiled and said "Glad you enjoy yourself son. Are you hungry?"

I nodded immediately.

Daddy stood from the couch and place the book he is reading at the coffee table.

"Let's eat at Wolfgangs. I know you like to snack on steaks after your experiments."

He got that right!

After eating a lot of steak we went home.

We found our family gathered at our living room playing Jenga.

It was mommy's turn.

The tile that she is trying to remove will destroy the tower. She will loose.

I look at the faces of my siblings and sunshine. They all look anxious.

They all know that mommy will loose if she still remove that tile.

No one is speaking so it means they bet on something major.

"Love don't remove that tile. Instead remove the one above it."

Simultaneously, my siblings glare at daddy.

Mommy look at daddy and nodded.

She followed what daddy instructed and the tower did not collapse.

Mommy stand up and dance excitedly. She ran up to daddy's awaiting arms and to the delight of my simp father, mommy  kisses him all over his face

"Damn it! We are so close of winning!" Jamison shouted.

"What is the prize?" I ask curiously.

"Mommy will live with Grey and Sunshine for a month without any contact to daddy." Jamison answered.

"Fuck that shit! What the hell?!" Daddy exclaimed.
Daddy immediatley whisk mommy hurriedly out of the room while shouting "Ungrateful children!"

We all laugh at daddy's antics.

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