We're Supposed to be Enemies

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Requested by @Cypher_here

Prompt: This can be either fluff or angst but maybe some superhero/supervillain au where one of them is a hero and the other is a villain! I don't see those much
Tw: mentions of murder
There was a murder. Ponk tried to chase after the person that killed her, but it was no use. He was now running DNA testing on evidence to try and see who did it. Ping! The test was done, and it showed a match.

  Sam Dude, better known as Awesamdude to the public, was on the run. He managed to get away from the scene just before the cops and Ponk, his lover got there. Did Ponk know that he was a villain? Yes. Did he care? A teeny bit. He was at the door of his flat now. He unlocked it, to not throw anyone off as to who he was. He closed the door and flopped down on the couch.

  He missed Ponk, but he knew he couldn't see him. That was the problem with their relationship. It was all video calls. He wanted to see his man in person.

  But he knew that Ponk would be running tests that all led to him. Sam knew that the police would believe anything Ponk said, only because he was the hero. Sam knew he would be caught and thrown behind bars for the rest of his life. He knew this could happen at any given moment. He knew it all. He couldn't escape his crimes. He was leaving too much evidence. He was a big problem, he deserved to go behind bars.

  Sam got up. There's no backing out now, he thought to himself. He went over to the window and hopped out, using his powers to his advantage. He went all the way to the police station. He walked up to the secretary.
  "I'm here to turn myself in."
Get cliffhanged! I'll do a part two to this, dw. @Cypher_here I'm sorry if this isn't exactly what you had in mind, and as you can see, I went with angst. This is my first time writing anything like this, so I apologize again.
This unpublished automatically?? Here you go again ig

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