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Danna's POV

"WHAT"! was all I managed to say.

"I won't repeat myself Miss Rodriguez" he said with a firm voice

"But why sir I'm sure this must be a joke" I started laughing

"Do I look like I'm joking to you Miss Danna Rodriguez" the moment he said that my face dropped his voice was so cold I knew right then and there he wasn't joking. Out of everything that could happen to me today this is honestly that last thing I would have imagined.

My boss wants me to marry him the statement alone sent shivers down my spine it's confusing, heck I'm even confused. Besides being my boss I don't know much about him outside of the office his personal life he keeps private actually all the Mondragon's keep a low profile when it comes to their personal lives they are barely seen in public the only time you see them is when one of their companies is hosting an event or something like that. I for once thought he has a girlfriend or is married secretly I guess I was wrong.

Gathering my thoughts I looked up at my boss and said "I'll think about it sir give me time"..

"Time is what I don't have Miss Rodriguez I need an answer now or by the end of the day,but it has to be today" he said making my eyes grow wide

"One more thing here's a contract take a look at it and by the end of the day I want it signed, and by the way I know you smart enough to make a wise decision, a decision that will benefit the both of us reason is I know you owe the bank a large sum of money and they are currently breathing down your neck" I was shocked to how he knew that,but who am I fooling he's Aron Mondragon he knows everything.

"Uhm can I go back to work now sir" I just wanted to get back to my office already I was suffocating in here I need some time alone to think this through with a calm head I hate that he is right when he said I could benefit from this.

"Yes you may,I trust that this will remain between the two of us no third party must know about this" I simply nodded

"Words Rodriguez I want words" he firmly said

"Yes sir you have nothing to worry about excuse me please" I rushed out of his office making my way towards my little office after entering I locked the door and released a breath I didn't know I was holding.

There are so many woman in this country woman who would give anything to be tied to the Mondragon brothers, but he just had to choose me. I'm just a simple plain girl from Mexico I'm not rich why couldn't he just choose a woman of his level or statue.

Sighing I went behind my desk and sat down on my chair not before gulping down a glass full of water I needed that in order to calm down my nerves I was over the edge. Grabbing the contract to go through it I opened it preparing for the worst well that's what I'd like to think.

The Contract Arrangement

This is the contract agreement between Mr Aron Mondragon & Miss Danna Rodriguez that stipulates that they are to get married.

1. Miss Rodriguez & Mr Mondragon will get married in two weeks after signing the contract.

2. Miss Rodriguez who will be recognized as Mrs Mondragon after two weeks will immediately on the same day of the wedding or after the wedding move in with Mr Mondragon who will be then recognized as her husband.

3. The marriage will last 2 years if after 2 years Danna Rodriguez has followed all the rules of the contract will be paid a sum of 2 million dollars into her bank account.

4. The couple will stay in the same house but have different bedrooms.

5. Will respect each other's privacy and not interfere in each other's personal lives.

6. After 2 years when divorced the contract shall not by any chance be spoken off it will remain between the two parties even after divorce. Who ever fails to do so will pay 1 million dollars to the other party.

7. The world will know that Mr Mondragon is married, but to whom that they will not know. As Miss Rodriguez's identity will remain a secret and private.

8. As Mr Mondragon's lives a private life Miss Rodriguez will not have a choice,but to also do the same.

9. Miss Rodriguez will continue working as Mr Mondragon's assistant, keeping her relationship to him private. In the work environment the two parties will behave professionally like they did before marriage.

10. Since Mr Mondragon will be a married man he is required to wear his ring all the time especially in public and Miss Rodriguez to not since her identity is secret.

11. Mr Mondragon will pay all of Miss Rodriguez's pending debts after the wedding,but the sum of money she will receive will still remain the same.

The Contract must be followed till the end and not be broken.


Aron Mondragon    Danna Rodriguez

Putting the contract back on the table after reading it I sighed, I honestly didn't have much of a choice after all he was right. 2 years ago after I started my job at Mondragon Inc I took out a loan at the bank so that I could buy my mother and I a small cosy beautiful house. I thought I had everything under control, but in reality I didn't and it hurt. Each day that passed by my bills were sky rocketing my mom doesn't know she has dedicated her whole life raising me alone and making sure I had everything I needed it wasn't easy we struggled and one day I had promised myself that when I get a job my mom will stay at home and rest I'll do everything for her.

A week ago a call I got from the bank reminded that I was 3 months behind on my payment it was a large sum of money along with interest of course and I was struggling. Clearing my thoughts I had finally made up my mind without wasting another second I picked up the pen and signed the contract.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter and please don't forget to vote and to also tell me your thoughts by commenting. 😘💕

THE CONTRACT ARRANGEMENT Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora