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Danna's POV

Today was indeed a good day for me, two weeks have finally have passed and I was now finally back in office I missed the work environment so much even though it can be pretty much exhausting at times.

Aron had really kept his promise,right when I was going through some paperwork in my office I  received a call from the bank notifying me that my debt has been fully paid off and I must come to the bank and sign some documents that will clearly state that the house is no longer under the bank, but now it fully belongs to my mom and I.

Tears welled up in my eye's, someone else might see this as something small but to me it meant everything and more. I've been having so many sleepless nights because I was terrified that one day the bank would come and evacuate us out of our house, but now today I feel like for the first time in a long time I'll finally sleep like a baby.

Guess I'll be smiling like an idiot throughout the whole day.

"Can I come in sweet D" Brittany said

"Well technically you are already in" I said jokingly

"You won't believe what I just saw right now" she said in one breath like she just ran a marathon to come and tell me

"What did you see?" I asked her

"Holy moly our boss Mr Mondragon is wearing a ring on his matrimonial left hand finger, for a second I thought I was hallucinating but when I opened my eyes clearly my body left my soul" she said

Now the news of his marriage will finally spread and I'm sure everyone in the company will die to know who is the lucky girl.

"You joking right" I laughed

"No I'm not joking I know what I saw I can bet if we right now go down to the caterfria you will hear everyone talking about" she said and immediately grabbed my hand

"I can't go right now Brittany I'm busy" I tried telling her

" No D this is the best time to go we will come back quickly, we will walk in go buy drinks and sit down for maybe five minutes after that we will leave.

"Okay fine"

"We walked in bought some cool drinks and sat down at the corner, and then the gossiping finally started"

"OH my God did you see the boss is married, I wonder who his wife is but I must say what a lucky girl to be married to the hottest and most handsome man in America and to top it all he's a freaking billionaire baby girl will be set for life " a girl from behind us said

"Come on you guys we don't know if he's really married maybe he just wore the ring" another girl said

I didn't like what the first girl said it made me feel like a gold digger, but I honestly just can't help it. Today is a good day for me and I won't let some gossiping get in the way of that

"I think we have heard enough let's get back to work" I said and we left

Reaching my office, the sound of the intercom went off along with Mr Mondragon's voice telling me to come to his office immediately

I sighed and left

I knocked on the door, and after a minute he responded

"Good morning sir how can I help you" I said

"As you can tell by now,I know you have heard that news about me being married have started seculating in the office, well I need you to add fuel to the fire" he said calmly

"I don't quite understand sir" I said

"Miss Rodriguez I need you to log into the companies Instagram page and post this picture along with the caption I'm going to send you" he now said with a serious tone

I looked at the picture it was the picture where my front side was against his chest with my wedding hand on his shoulder displaying my ring, he had his face on my neck and his left hand on my back where his ring was totally on display, my face could not be seen since I had my back against the camera only his face was on total display.

"I'll get right to it sir" I said

I left his office and went back to mine, sat down on my chair and prepared myself for what I was about to do,almost everyone had access to companies Instagram page since it was public with 10M followers and O following the post I'm about to make will definitely shake the nation.

Even though no one knows it besides the boss and the Mondragon's I have a company cellphone that grants me access to everything that has to do with my work, I logged in on Instagram using that phone selected the picture and wrote the caption he told me to write, after I was done I double checked the caption just to make sure it had no erros.

Then boom I uploaded the post, nothing had prepared me for what was going to happen within five minutes the picture had reached almost close to 1M likes, phones in the office started ringing none stop, entertainment channels and radios were now talking about it ,Mr Aron Mondragon was now the talk of the country everyone wanted to know who his wife is, that fact company posted the picture was something for the books since the Mondragon's are well known for being very private and keeping their personal lives out of the media.

I logged out and put the phone back in the safe

"Didn't I tell you D" Brittany said coming into my office without knocking

"You did and I'm shocked just like you,but nevertheless congratulations to sir" I said

"Come on D so you don't know his wife I mean did you get an invitation to the wedding" she asked

I just laughed at her and said "You know very well I didn't go much less got an invitation I'm sure it was family only " I said

" I swear the Mondragon's are the richest and most famous family in the country, but when it comes to their personal lives we know nothing about them even Google is clueless" Brittany said

I just laughed, tomorrow is gonna be one hell of a day now that the news have finally broken out.

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