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Danna's POV

I'm glad Aron decided to let me invite Adam and Liam. It's the least I can they work so hard and also glad that around them we won't have to pretend to be a real couple since they already know and are aware of everything.

The food was finally ready I was now setting up, the dinner table with the help of Aron at least he's a gentleman that's one thing I respect the most about him.

The door bell finally rang and Aron got up to see who it was, it was Adam and Liam.

"Why didn't you guys just come in,you have the pass code " Aron asked

"Things have changed now boss, you now no longer live alone we just respecting Mrs Danna's privacy". Liam said

Aron nodded in understanding and I on the other hand was speechless. The fact they have the access to come and go as they please, but they refused to since I now live here that alone just made me love them even more.

"I'm so glad you guys came" I said

"Thank you for inviting us Mam" they both said

"If it's okay with you guys, please call me by my name Danna" I said they both looked kinda shocked but quickly covered it up

"That we don't know, but we will try" Liam said

I smiled and nodded in understanding, they are both older then me I'm literally the youngest and having them call me Mam makes feel so grown and old, but if they rather stick to that I'll respect their decision at the end of the day they are just doing their job.

I started bringing the food to the table, the boys helped me I love that everyone is a gentleman around here. I made macaroni and cheese along with beef and chicken incase one of them doesn't eat beef they can have chicken plus some steamed veggies.

Everyone was about to dig in, but I stopped them they all stared at me until I finally spoke

"We can't eat without praying, thanks to God we have food on the table so we have to be grateful " I said with a smile

Adam smiled at my words, this is the first time honestly I've seen him smile, he's more like cold and closed off even at our wedding he barely smiled I'm just happy that my words were able to put a smile on his face.

We bought our hands together and I prayed

After that we all started digging in and eating our food, but before I ate mine I started dishing up for Aron and placing his food in front of him even though we are married only on paper, I'm still gonna take care of him and play my role as his wife.

He was shocked by my actions but I honestly wasn't this is how a wife does things.

Adam and Liam dished up for themselves

"This tastes so delicious, it's been so long since I've had a home cooked meal as delicious as this Mam" Liam said

"I agree the food tastes delicious " Adam said

"Thank you so much guys, I'm glad you are enjoying and there's plenty left in the kitchen I will pack some for you both" I said

"I would love that " Liam said

"Of course you would, the only thing you and Ivan have in common the most is food " Aron said jokingly

We all laughed and Liam gave him that really man kinda of look.

After dinner I served dessert and we were all full now.

I got up to tidy the table, but the guys beat me to it they cleared the table and did the dishes they literally left the kitchen spotless of which I was beyond speechless honestly.

I just went along and did as I promised and packed some food for both Liam and Adam.

"Thank you for doing  the dishes guys,but it wasn't necessary I was gonna do it" I said

" It was no problem Mam and plus we love doing the dishes " Liam said with a smile

Liam is so full of life if you pay close attention to him you will clearly see.

They both bid goodbye and left to their apartment which was right under us they lived on the second to last floor.

It was now Adam and I left just as it was.

"Anyways I'm going to bed, have a goodnight" I said

"Goodnight Miss Rodriguez and tomorrow  morning we going to Spain to attend a business meeting about the deal with Lockwood Industries you presence is needed as to why I also don't know, I guess we all find out once we get there. And by all I mean Adrian and Ivan we will be traveling together on my private jet so by 06:00am you must be ready with your luggage it's a two day trip". Aron said

"Uhmm okay, no problem"

With that said I turned to leave until his voice stopped me on my tracks

"And one more thing Miss Rodriguez thank you for dinner, the food was delicious " he said

"You welcome" I said

I couldn't help the smile that formed on my lips as I made my way to my room.

Today was actually a good night one of the best nights so far since I've started living here, I'm most definitely going to sleep like a baby today.

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