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Aron's POV

I looked at Papa's face and expected two things from him shock and disappointment,but instead he just sighed.

"Why aren't you shocked or disappointed in me" I couldn't help but to ask I was dead curious

"You know my boy,even though all this is fake and arranged from my perspective I can clearly see that Danna is good for you, she is a hard working woman, sweet, caring and selfless" he said

I wondered what he was trying to point out,by saying all that so I just decided to let him finish

"Instead of holding on to the past why don't you try and make this marriage work" he finally said

"You know I can't do that,I don't have it in me to fall inlove and give my heart to someone again, I once did that and you know how it ended" I said with a hard tone

"That's your problem Aron, you think every woman is like her manipulative and evil" Papa said

"Yes they are and I'm not gonna be made a fool of again I refuse to I'd rather be labeled as cold hearted then to break down my walls again, I made a promise to myself and I intend on keeping it no matter what.

"A lot can happen in two years son,and once you reach that point you will remember my words and I hope it won't be too late to make things right" Papa said

No need to worry about me Papa I know very well how to control myself and after this marriage I'll still be the same Aron you know nothing will change.

"Dinners ready my boys" Nana yelled from the back door

Before we went back to the house I turned around and asked Papa a favor "One more thing Papa can what I told you about my marriage remain between the two of our,my parents don't know about it only Emily, Ivan,Emily and Danna's bestfriend know if mom finds out about this it will crush her since she adores Danna" I told him

"No problem son,but I hope you do keep my words in mind" he said

I simply nodded and we went back inside

A delicious smell invaded my nostrils, reaching the dinning table I could see that Nana went all out she has always been like this, when Emily, Ivan,Aidan and I were to return home she would go all out and cook a goodbye feast for us.

It's her tradition for us, that's why we love and respect her so much because she goes all out for us.

"Aron my dear,what time are you leaving"? Nana asked

"Midnight Nana, the less people who see us the better" I answered honestly

Throughout the whole dinner I noticed that Danna was extremely quiet, she didn't even bother looking my way
if she's still mad about us leaving here well then I guess she will be mad forever cause once I make up my mind there's no going back.

Even though I'm married to her I'm not gonna include her in any decisions I make, in whatever happens I'll always have the final say I'm a man I lead the way.

"The food was so delicious Nana thank you so much" Danna's voice bought me out of my thoughts

"Thanks to your help my my dear" Nana replied with the same amount of love

"Please excuse me,I'm going upstairs to pack" she said then stood up and left

After she left Nana looked up at me and finally spoke "you know Aron my dear you hit the jackpot with her and whatever happens don't ever let her go" I simply nodded

I glanced at Papa and saw that he was already looking at me I know that look I just drank my glass of wine and ignored him.

I got up and went to the room to pack my belongings, getting inside I saw that Danna was busy packing her clothes and she had earpods on her ears. We packed everything and Nana asked Roman who is their bodyguard to take our luggage to the car once everything was settled it was time to say goodbye.

When it came to Nana and Papa I hated goodbyes if it were up to me I'd stay with them forever, but there are things that require my full attention and time.

"I promise we will come back soon, I love you both so much" I said hugging the both of them.

"And Papa listen to Nana and eat your vegetables please " I said

That's one of the things they always fight about because Papa refuses to eat his veggies

"And when he gives you a hard time Nana,you know you can always call me I will set him straight for you" I said playfully

"It was a pleasure meeting the both of you Nana and Papa I hope I'll see you both soon" Danna said hugging the both of them

Nana called me and we did a group hug.

After that we bid goodbye one last time and left for the airport.

Reaching the airport Danna was already wearing shades and a cap so she won't be recognized, the private jet was ready for us. The bodyguards took care of our luggage and we boarded the plan and took our respective seats.

"Make sure your seat belts are on we are taking of in five minutes" the pilot said

Heading back there was only one thing in my mind which is no more carefree Aron Mondragon.

THE CONTRACT ARRANGEMENT Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ